You are here: HomeNews2014 03 01Article 302083

Let's have a civil society: GJA,NMC, the Police and society in general.

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  • 10 years ago

    Kwame was a journalist. He saw few people crowding around a dead figure. So he wanted to be the first to give breaking news of this tragic event.
    However,he could not get
    through as the crowd didn't move.Then he thought of ...
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  • Nee 10 years ago

    Right on spot Mr.Kosi.It's about time we raise our journalistic standards in Africa.It is a shame.

  • mky 10 years ago

    Blame the editors at these various publications for the gory photos that accompany stories of the nature you mentioned.....each morning, before a paper or a magazine is put out or a news item is broadcast, there is a meeting ...
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  • james naru 10 years ago

    Vincent : Excellent article indeed. I totally agree with all your comments. In addition to this, there has recently been several events where law and order have not prevailed in Ghana.
    The case which comes to mind is the r ...
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  • insight to the bone 10 years ago

    our so called education free or not is a shame due to the bugga bugga policies of the ndc . the mentality it has created is one of willfulness with no regard for law and order. just look at the fools of legon and their mindse ...
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