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Taxi driver mistaken for a thief after being robbed

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  • Why police 10 years ago

    This shouldnt happened , the police should listen to what he will say and take him to his house for verification , now you locked him without explaining and the rubbers might have hurt some one , this is crazy

  • Ghana Ni 10 years ago

    Man, Ghana police for You. This can happen to anybody. Very Sad story. This man has been through a lot. Just imagine (Trauma + Physical Abuse + Emotional + Hunger + etc) Hmm!!! God Help Him and US all

  • SHOGOLOCOBANGOSHI 10 years ago

    Ghana police force is a low graded one in Africa, lack of proper training, bribery and corruption to the highest level.How come you charged someone for Loitering without conducting any investigation.

  • backfire 10 years ago

    but what is the truth in this story? if really his car is rubbed why didn´t he go to the police station to report but chose to liot in the village. in the 1st night we can say he was not clear in mind, but the next day, he s ...
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  • Kofi 10 years ago

    pls read the story very well before commenting or u lack understanding?

  • Teacher DAN 10 years ago

    Shameful act,no investigation GHANA POLICE YOU,GHANA FOR YOU.

  • Jimmy 10 years ago

    I dont get the gist of this story

  • AbasZ 10 years ago

    The story is incomplete. . . Ghana university graduates , as3m oo.

  • Peeps2 10 years ago

    How can a driver cannot read and write,,,to the extent that his own car number cannot be quote?the tyoe of car as well..Most of the drivers are unaducated and this course a lot of accident in our roads.

  • Ka Na Wu 10 years ago

    Please do not be too known. There are millions of drivers in the world who do not know their car numbers and license numbers from memory. So called educated Police did not know their regulations.

  • Kweku 10 years ago

    Stop 10 police cars and ask the driver the car number and I bet some will have no idea. Lets not be too shallow minded and forget the important issue at stake. It is not a crime not to know the car number (or type of car) you ...
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  • Emmanuel Agbesi RSA 10 years ago

    In this modern world,Ghana in particular, public taxi drivers cannot read or write or even remember the colour of his own taxi cab. How did he get his driving permit???????? Oh omang Ghana wake up.

  • OKUKUSEKU 10 years ago

    Just send someone to the VELD office with money and he will get a driving licence for anyone he wishes.

  • KUNTA KINTE 10 years ago

    abba u even dont know the type of car?

  • Nana Kasa 10 years ago

    1. The driver must be a JSS graduate and therefore knows nothing.

    2. He is not the main driver of the car but a friend to the driver.

    3. The driver must have been in a guest house chilling out with one of his girlfriend ...
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  • Akuafriyie tumpata 10 years ago

    I believe the driver was traumatized and could not think straight at the time of Police interrogation. Enye easy oo!

  • yaw bronx ny 10 years ago


  • kwame_wusu,canada 10 years ago

    very bad discharge of duty on the part of the police