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Crime & Punishment of Monday, 13 March 2023


We informed military of Sherrif Imoro’s death on day of incident – Police

The Ghana Police Service disclosed in a statement issued late Sunday, March 12, 2023 that it had notified the military about the death of one of its officers on the same day the incident happened.

The police statement said, after its officials on March 4 acted on a report of a murder in the Ashaiman Taifa area of the Ashaiman Municipality, deployed forensic experts from its Police Crime Scene team to the place.

At the scene, “Police immediately commenced an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of the victim. The officers cordoned off the scene and called in the specialist Police Crime Scene team to process the scene for forensic analysis.”

The statement listed a number of items retrieved at the scene including “a knife with blood stains on it and a backpack. In the backpack, Police found 1 Samsung tablet, 1 Apple laptop, 1 military uniform with the name tag “Imoro”, 8 other items of clothing, as well as a Ghana card and a Health Insurance card bearing the name Imoro Sherrif.

“Judging from the contents of the backpack, the police suspected the victim could be a soldier, and in line with Police standard operating procedure for handling institution-based victims, the Military was accordingly notified of the incident and some military personnel came to identify the deceased to Police as Imoro Sheriff, a soldier.

“The body of the deceased was thereafter conveyed to a hospital for preservation and autopsy,” the statement added.

The police have announced the arrest of six suspects believed to be connected with the murder of the young soldier.

The arrests were as a result of “a week of a sustained intelligence-led operation… at different dates and various locations within Ashiaman and its environs,” the statement added.

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