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Politics of Saturday, 28 November 2020

Source: James Agyenim-Boateng, NDC Campaign Spokesperson

Save Ghana by rejecting Akufo-Addo’s corrupt government - Mahama urges voters

Former President John Dramani Mahama Former President John Dramani Mahama

The Presidential Candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mr John Dramani Mahama, is urging electorates to save Ghana by rejecting the corrupt government of President Akufo-Addo.

Mr Mahama said the renewal of the mandate for the incumbent would spell doom for the country given the unprecedented level of corruption that the President superintends.

Addressing NDC supporters at Jamboi in the Kpandai Constituency on Friday as part of his campaign tour of the Northern Region, Mr Mahama said instead of waging war on corruption in his government, the president has rather become a protector and defender of his corrupt appointees who are largely members of his family and friends.

He added President Akufo-Addo has also not kept good faith with his 2016 electoral promises.

"There are some politicians who believe that it is the power that is important and whatever you do or say to get it, doesn't matter. Look at promises like One District One Factory, one million Dollars per constituency every year and One Village One Dam, among others. So you should achieve something before you ask for four more but in this case, it is four more to do what?", the NDC’s Presidential Candidate asked.

He said Ghanaians can no longer be deceived by the NPP government as it happened in 2016, adding the realities of bad governance under President Akufo Addo is there for all to see.

Mr Mahama said President Akufo-Addo’s abysmal performance in office, coupled with the unprecedented level of corruption that he superintends and his non-commitment to the fight against corruption are enough grounds for electorates to kick out the government in the December 7, 2020, general elections.

“It is important that Ghanaians show them a red card on December 7, 2020, and bring back the NDC to create prosperity for all Ghanaians, not a few privileged members of the President’s family and friends.

Mr Mahama was also concerned about how the Akufo-Addo government has taken yam farmers for granted and literally collapsed the yam market, adding the next NDC government will revive the yam market again by ensuring that farmers get decent incomes from their sweat and toil.

He said, to modernise the agriculture sector, the next NDC government would establish Agricultural Mechanisation Centres in districts across the country to ease the burden of farmers and also make agriculture more attractive to the youth.

These centres, Mr Mahama explained, would be stocked with agricultural machinery such as tractors, ploughs, planters and combine harvesters, among others, to enable farmers to access such services to boost food production in the country.