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Politics of Saturday, 19 August 2023


2024 is an opportunity to kick out NDC, NPP - Independent presidential aspirant

Dr. Samuel Ankrah, Presidential hopeful Dr. Samuel Ankrah, Presidential hopeful

A Certified Economist and Presidential hopeful in Ghana’s 2024 elections says Ghanaians have no right to complain about the incompetence, corruption, mismanagement, and mediocrity of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) if they fail to oust them in 2024.

According to Dr. Samuel Ankrah, Ghanaian voters have continuously had the opportunity to elect a new face and a qualified leader to power, but they invariably pick the NDC.

He claimed that, despite disappointing Ghanaians and failing to deliver on their promises, Ghanaians continue to vote for them.

In an exclusive interview on Rainbow Radio 87.5Fm’s Frontline, he asserted unequivocally that he (Ankrah) is the new face of Ghana, with the necessary skills, qualifications, and technical know-how to overhaul Ghana’s economy.

He claimed that Ghana’s economy is in shambles, with the majority of Ghanaians hungry, unemployed, and despondent.
He called the presidential race in 2024 critical, with everything on the line, including the economy, infrastructure, health, and education, among other things.

He stated that if we do not elect him as the next president, we will lose a lot since we may not have this opportunity again. We will not see development in Ghana unless we make an effort to vote for a different face. Ghana’s processes are flawed, and if we keep the NDC and the NPP in power, we will not see improvement or advancement.

“This should not be politics as usual,” he said. This country requires an expert to run it. Politics based on insults and misinformation are dead. As a country, we must be serious. Consider Singapore during this time. They had nothing and only a fraction of the resources we have, but look at how far they’ve come. They used to import water but now have a 450 billion-dollar economy, while Ghana only has 70 billion with all of its resources like gold, diamonds, manganese, bauxite, and others. So we have difficulty and require an expert with a track record to handle the country’s economy.”

According to Dr. Ankrah, the status quo of politicians caring about themselves, cronies, and friends while in office must cease in 2024.
He stated that Ghanaians were tired of the NDC and NPP’s failed leadership, but that they must be brave and ask for Ghana’s second independence from these two parties’ failed leadership.

When asked about the key issues confronting Ghana, he listed corruption as one of the major concerns, which he attributed to the size of the government, adding that we need to reduce the size of the government.

To improve efficiency, he aims to rule Ghana with only 20 ministries and to decentralise government.

He also promised to assist the private sector and to transfer all underperforming state firms to private hands so that they could be managed successfully.

He vowed to keep our systems running and the rule of law in place.