You are here: HomeSportsSoccer2014 06 03Article 311362

Ghana Soccer fans and Media prepare for Brazil

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  • mike 10 years ago

    who is paying for all this trip vrazil is not cheap brazil is a big country and gfans has to travel for gours to get to places i wonder where will people get the money from for this trip

  • its me 10 years ago

    Mainly drug barons and Gov footsoldiers.

  • bomba 10 years ago

    why is millinion accorded more slots than other supporting groups.while diehard has only 20supporters milinion has over 200 and nsu has it the case of animal farm.they are all Ghanaian supporters give them equal attent ...
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  • PKk 10 years ago

    Dont time there to watch Kwasea Appiah is go to use Afful Skinny shortman in left back which would cause many goals . shame awiat us

  • PKk 10 years ago

    A Appiah dont get it , if we lost dont come back and complain ok ! the same thing you used Asante Shortman in ANC . Afful cause our down fall in ANC , now again wait and see. useless coach no vision shortman does not play wor ...
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  • omoding david 10 years ago

    black stars i wish u all the best ,david omoding from pamba in soroti uganda