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Stars arrive for Tuesday's training session in Accra

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  • salinsa 10 years ago

    the headlines says stars arrive for Tuesday's training session then along the line we read ayew brothers are ready for the match. what does that mean? have they arrive or not? have they taken off or not? their dad had a certa ...
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  • Sammy Kuffour 10 years ago

    Why these 2 guys always want to give excuses? Injuries, quitting the blackstars,
    later arrivals at camps and etc.
    The coach is already having headache about which three to drop from the 26 players. So I think this the way ...
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  • askantwi 10 years ago

    Yes, I agree with you 100%. Essien and Kevin should be dropped. Essien, Kevin, Gyan, Andre and Jordan are too arrogant to produce a successful campaign for Ghana. If Ghana fails, it would be due to the making of these self-ce ...
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  • Viv 10 years ago

    You mean we should drop our best players? Yeah right!

  • Martin 10 years ago

    Since most of the players are based in Europe, why was it necessary to have them assemble in Ghana and then go on to The Netherlands from there. That was a waste of funds.