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Politics of Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Source: New Crusading Guide

Zongo for Mahama gathers momentum for 2016

Ibrahim Jajah Ibrahim Jajah

National Executives of Zongo For Mahama have admonished gallant membership especially the youth to lace up their boots for yet another one-touch victory come November 7, 2016.

A statement signed and issued by Ibrahim Jajah, National Chairman for Zongo for Mahama, a pro-NDC youth group, called on members of the group and all like-minded youth groups within the party to remain resolute and gather momentum towards winning the coming elections.

According to him, it would be unwise for all NDC youth, who are the backbone of the party’s progress to give ears to frivolities and some claims that the Mahama-led-government had abandoned them.

Ibrahim Jajah stated in the press release that, the NDC administration under the able-leadership of His Excellency John Dramani Mahama is more than committed to ensure victory in the coming elections and that no group within the party would be neglected.

He indicated that the youth groups within the NDC have over the years, played significant roles in ensuring victory and that the coming November 7 elections will not be an exception.

“It is on record that the youth groups within the NDC have played significant roles leading to victory in the 2012 elections and I hope that this year’s election will not be an exception.”

“We will say, and you all know that the NDC is a grassroot party and that will always define our approach especially to the youth,“he said.

The Executives also believe that the party youth including Zongo For Mahama are the game changers in elections and that for them to have a divided front will only spell doom for the party.

“Our track records in working to increase our parliamentary seats in the last elections in the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo regions is an eloquent testimony,” the National Chairman said.

“One thing is certain. Those who have the ability to change games have a better chance of winning any game no matter the conditions.

NDC won the 2012 elections against huge odds because at every turn, the party was flexible enough to change critical strategy and even critical personnel in the face of crisis after crisis,” he stated.

“We will implore members of Zongo For Mahama to remain resolute and clam amidst the tough times, focus and ensure victory since there is no doubt about competence of the powerful team of players the group to shoulder the burden of delivering one touch NDC victory in the coming elections.”

They continued that “we must not lose sight of the fact that every successful political party needs the men and women like Zongo For Mahama, who are ready to take up the heinous jobs in order for victory to be secured”.

They stated that the role of the youth in helping to ultimately shape the outcome of one of the most fiercely contested election campaigns in Ghana’s democracy can’t glossed over.

They assured friends and colleagues in Zongo for Mahama that very soon the group would kick start a formidable campaign strategy that will again help the NDC to victory and called on them to treat allegations of perceived exclusion making the rounds with contempt.

“What we need now as a group is to be united for victory .we will soon be launching Zongo For Mahama in all branches within the constituencies, and by so doing our activities will spread out to the grassroot who will appreciate our messages the more”.

They called on members not to relent in their efforts to gunner support for the party.

They also pointed out that the NDC won the 2012 elections against huge odds because at every turn, the party was flexible enough to change critical strategy and even critical personnel in the face of crisis after crisis.

"We will implore members of Zongo For Mahama to remain resolute and calm amidst the tough times, focus and ensure victory.”

They called on members of Zongo For Mahama to remain resolute and calm amidst the tough times, focus and ensure victory since he has total faith and confidence in the powerful team of players the group has who shouldered the burden of delivering a one touch NDC victory in the coming elections.

“We must not lose sight of the fact that every successful political party needs the men and women like Zongo For Mahama, who are ready to take up the heinous jobs in order for victory to be secured.”

They stated that the role of the youth in helping to ultimately shape the outcome of one of the most fiercely contested election campaigns in Ghana's democracy can't be glossed over.

They assured friends and colleagues in ZONGO FOR MAHAMA, that soon the group would kick-start a formidable campaign strategy that will again help our great party to victory and called on them to treat allegations of perceived exclusion making the rounds with contempt.

“What we need now as a group is to be united for victory. We will soon be launching Zongo For Mahama in all Branches within the constituencies, and by so doing our activities will spread out to the grassroots who will appreciate our messages the more.”

They called on members not to relent in their efforts to gunner support for the party.