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Politics of Friday, 22 July 2016


NDC will have it difficult marketing Mahama - NPP Youth Activist

A member of the New Patriotic Party(NPP) Communication Team, Dennis Kwakwa, has observed that members of the campaign team of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC), led by Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, have been handed the most difficult job in the history of Ghana’s democracy.

According to him, marketing their candidate, President John Dramani Mahama, who has presided over an administration riddled with corruption and incompetence, is the most difficult or almost impossible task.

Comparing the duty of the NDC campaign team to someone who has been given a role to market an already rotten product, the NPP youth activist said he would never prefer to be in the shoes of Mr. Asiedu Nketiah and cohorts at this material moment, more especially, coming up against an untainted candidate such as Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

“I believe the task handed Mr. Asiedu Nketiah and Kofi Adams is [a] mission impossible – to market a leader tainted with so much corruption and scandals is a position no one would love to be in,” Kwakwa asserted.

Kofi Adams has been appointed Coordinator for the National Democratic Congress 2016 Election Campaign. Per his latest appointment, he will be tasked with supervising fundraising if possible, as well as engaging in some field activities.

He is also expected to manage the public communications of the party, and ensure all campaign activities around the President comply with the party’s regulations. On the other hand, the General Secretary of the NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, will lead the 15-member party campaign team as Chairman.

Speaking exclusively to The Chronicle in an interview, the former Mampong Constituency youth leader was of the candid opinion that since the product that the NDC would want to sell to the people of this country is obsolete goods, a product that has caused countless damages to many homes, he sees no reason for Ghanaians to buy such a product again.

In the view of the party communicator, it won’t be a failure and a disgrace at all, if Kofi Adams and Asiedu Nketia fail to do anything meaningful with their candidate, because, obviously, Mahama, as a dead goat, will not be welcomed in most homes.

“I don’t envy them (Asiedu Nketia and Kofi Adams) at all. Selling of Mahama to voters is what even the world renowned marketer and brand experts would want to avoid…he has not proven himself to be trust worthy, and has not weaned himself out of the many corruption going on in his government…all he does best is to use the Jubilee House as a haven for such corrupt cronies to hide,” the youth activist stated.

Denis Kwakwa continued: “Now how do you brand a dead goat as though it is alive and expect people to buy? In the first place, trying to brand President Mahama is another deception, which should tell us that the NDC is always ready to deceive people just to have their way.”

According to Denis, till now, President Mahama has not shown any sign of rebuilding the trust the public has lost in him, adding that Ghanaians are patiently waiting for November 7 to come, to show the NDC and Mahama that “we are awake and not deaf to their many corrupt practices.”

“We all know of the many failed promises by the government, led by Mahama: the building of 200 SHS, establishing of 10 polytechnics, his own Ford saga, Smartty’s deal, SADA fiasco, the payment of onetime NHIS premium, and a lot more rot under his watch… all these have proven to be lies as usual.”

He urged Ghanaians, especially, the youth, not to buy into the propaganda of the NDC, or make the mistake of selling their votes for peanuts and retain this government, stressing that Ghana will be experiencing an unprecedented agony, should the youth, out of the unending hardships, frustrations and pain, buy into the lies of the Mahama-led NDC government.