You are here: HomeNewsRegional2017 02 08Article 507897

Kumasi: Gas explosion at South Suntreso

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  • Janwabga 7 years ago

    Oh why! We seem not to learn from our page mistakes.

  • neto 7 years ago

    where is the Akufo Addo he should build new house for them.

  • neto 7 years ago

    where is Akufo Addo he should build new house for them.

  • Aponkye B33 7 years ago

    These accidents keep on happening because Nana addo accended the presidency through ritual and occultic means.

  • Genuwine 7 years ago

    It will be better you wake up from your sleep okay,it seems you have not overcome the election defeat,if you dont something sensible to post here just shut up,

  • SKIPER 7 years ago


  • Michael K. Tettevi. 7 years ago

    For how long should we continue living with dangerous LPG ? When shall we learn to stop using LPG as a means of fuel at home ? It has killed so many of our people yet we still stick to LPG. Why not ban LPG for domestic use ? ...
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