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Regional News of Friday, 30 August 2019

Source: MTN Ghana

MTN Ghana donates cash, products to support Oguaa Fetu Afahye

MTN Ghana has donated a cash amount and other product to the Oguaa Traditional area through the Chiefs, Elders and Planning Committee of the Oguaa Fetu Afahye which takes off in the first week of September.

As an African Multinational, the management of MTN Ghana led by the Senior Manager of South West Business District, Prince Owusu Nyarko deem it appropriate to support our African culture and heritage through the Celebration of Traditional festivals.

Prince Owusu Nyarko also disclosed that the organization will be supporting over 30 traditional festivals across the country. He also revealed how passionate the brand is when it comes to promoting African Culture as this year has been declared by the Government as the “Year of Return”.

MTN Ghana in view of their support donated the following to the Chiefs and Elders:

A Cheque of GH¢10,000.00

Airtime worth GH¢1000.0

Drinks Hamper worth over GH¢1000.00

MTN is also supporting the organization of the Durbar, Street Carnival and the Afahye Y’ello Market. This is to spice up the festival and also entertain the patrons of the festival.