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Regional News of Friday, 30 August 2019


‘Kwahu's tourism potential is huge’ - KPN woos tourist to visit Kwahu

The Press conference declared the month of September as the tourism month The Press conference declared the month of September as the tourism month

Tourism investors are being urged to visit Kwahu and explore the untapped tourism potential in the area. "Kwahu features the authentic experience of local culture and traditions and some natural tourist sites such as Waterfall, Caves and several fortresses, given its position as the highest habitable elevation in Ghana"

The President of Kwahu Professionals Network (KPN), Mr. Davis Opoku Ansah, made these comments at a press conference organized by the Ghana Tourism Authority to outdoor the "Yen Ko Kwahu Festival". The Press conference declared the month of September as the tourism month.

Mr Ansah said, " Kwahu's culture and diversity make it a land of unlimited opportunities. Each town has so much to offer in terms of the heritage, architecture and experience. Kwahus tourism potential is huge, and we urge tourism investors to explore."

He invited investors, the international community and Ghanaians to consider Kwahu as their tourism destination. Touching on some notable tourist sites, Mr., Ansah said, "We have the Bruku Rock in Tafo, the caves at Twenedurase and one thousand steps at Obo." He added that " these and many other sites are attractive and leave lasting memories to visitors. He revealed, "Kwahus are now investing heavily in the hospitality industry. We have Rock City, which is a six-hundred-bedroom hotel and host the biggest night club in Africa".

The Deputy chief executive officer of the GTA, Mr. Ekow Sampson, urged Ghanaians to patronize series of activities earmarked for the celebration. "The month of September has been recognized as the year of Tourism by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) as a year of using tourism to create jobs.