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General News of Monday, 31 October 2016


Salaga MP justifies coffin purchase for mosques

The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Salaga South Constituency and ranking member of Public Accounts committee Alhaji Abubakari Ibrahim Dey has justified his decision to buy and distribute coffins to selected mosques in the area.

He admits the coffins were procured and given to the mosques as reported in the media, but said the donation was done by the constituency Youth Organizer who is a member of his campaign team.

Alhaji Abubakari Ibrahim Dey told host of Abusua Nkomo, Kwame Adinkra he sees nothing wrong with the gesture and wondered why the media will waste time in interrogating the matter.

“I have attended funerals in the south where MPs bought caskets but that never made news why is mine different. There is nothing wrong in buying coffins for the mosques which was done by my Youth Organizer upon requests because he felt he could handle it”, he stated.

The legislator said the issue of coffins should not be the priority of the media and therefore advised that the focus their lenses on developmental issues to inure to the benefits of the citizenry.

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) is accusing the MP of wishing ill for residents of the constituency observing that it was a despicable gesture to buy and distribute the coffins.

Mr. Abubakari Dramani who is a constituency executive said the NPP will organize a Quran recitation to counter the move because they believe it has spiritual implications.

“Spiritually we are also seeing how we are going to counter that but we believe that If you want to help a mosque there are so many deteriorated mosques in town which needs speakers. Some cannot pay their bills and you come and supply this kind of items to the mosques; it doesn’t actually speak well”

“We don’t understand such a move because while the people are hungry, you have done virtually nothing in that constituency and just barely a month of election and you come and be supplying coffins for the mosques”, Mr. Abu lamented.