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Politics of Wednesday, 15 August 2018


NDC flagbearership race: Gonjaland warmly receives Sly Mensah

Flagbearer hopeful of the National Democratic Congress, Sylvester Mensah will stop at nothing till he wins the slot to lead the party to the nation’s next elections in 2020.

Tackling from all angles, he is earnestly pursuing his bid to become the NDC’s next flagbearer and this time, he has taken his campaign to the home of the Gonja’s in the Northern region of the country.

Sylvester Mensah who is former Boss of the National Health Insurance Scheme accompanied by party executives paid a courtesy call on the Overlord of Gonjaland traditional area, Yangbonwura Tuntumba Boresa I, to officially inform him of his tour of the Northern Region and communicate his political intentions as well.

He was warmly received at the Jakpa Palace in Damongo by the Yangbonwura who expressed satisfaction and said special prayers for him to succeed in his quest to become NDC flagbearer and subsequently President of Ghana.

The visit follows others embarked on by Mr. Mensah as he takes his tour to the Northern Region. He, prior to this, called on the overlord of Mamprugu, Nayiri, Naa Boahgu Mahami Abdulai Sheriga and his elders, to reveal his intentions and to seek their support.

At Walewale, he met with executives of Walewale and Yagaba Kubori constituencies where he revealed his vision for the party; to see a unified party that rewards its followers and ensure prosperity for its rank and file.
Sylvester Mensah is one of five other candidates who have formally declared their ambitions to vie for the flagbearership position of the NDC.

His contenders are; Former Minister of Trade and Industry Ekwow Spio-Garbrah, Former Rector of UPSA, Prof Joshua Alabi, Second Deputy Speaker in Parliament and Nadowli/Kaleo MP, Alban Bagbin and Elikplim Agbemava, some of whom have already received endorsements from some party members.

The NDC flagged off the race on August 8 and announced that presidential hopefuls can start campaigning.