You are here: HomeEntertainment2014 09 26Article 327622

FIPAG bans movie producer for being disrespectful

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  • The mask 9 years ago

    There is a place where you can be sure that you would find a representative (MP) from every part of Ghana year round gathered together to deliberate on the future and the current state of this country. Where is that? Parliame ...
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  • Whatever 9 years ago

    The liberal movie industry we have does not belong to FIPAG. Benjami nshould go and buy his movie production kit and go ahead and produce the movie and release it. They can't do foko. They have no law to stand on. Perhaps wha ...
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  • I am James Aboagye 9 years ago

    Lets assume that James Aboagye wanted to have sex with Ben Sarpong's wife and that created tension; then James uses his power to ban Ben.

    Is that permitted? Can he and his cronnies do that? well, this letter says he can.
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  • MUHAMMAD KAAMIL. 9 years ago

    True Islaamic monotheism,the greatest of blessings,and its opposites,the greatest loss,we ask Allaah for safety and well-being.

  • Whatever 9 years ago

    since when did groups and associations became the law? Independent film producers have the right to produce and release their own film. The guy should produce and release his film and lets see what law this so called- FIPAG w ...
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  • Felix T USA 9 years ago

    You cheap producers without proper knowledge have been sleeping with them for roles cos of fame and money shame