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'Happy endings' in massages equate to prostitution - MonaGucci asserts

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  • Peace 4 months ago

    We all know that

  • Rex 4 months ago

    You should have investigated well to specifically tell what the happy ending means, because conjecturing and speculating don't help ur point, so what is the happy ending? Go and do ur assignment well and come and tell us and ...
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  • Joy 4 months ago

    You this girl can never mind your business. Hahahaha. By force journalism is what you mona is doing. Hahahaha. I hear from you and laugh saaaaaaaaa. But I see you as a lady

  • Atta 4 months ago

    Mona got that one right ! Because she’s been there and done that hahaha

  • Kofi 4 months ago

    Stop the hypocrisy. In every profession, there are the good and bad ones such as journalism, where people sleep around with their rich and influential guests..Don't jumbled all of them.together and duagrace the profession of ...
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