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Diaspora News of Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Source: Adofo, Rockson

Kumawuman Association Holds a Historic Press Conference in Kumawu

On Tuesday 2 August 2016 at 11:00 hours, an association called “Kumawuman Subjects Living Home and Abroad” held a historic press conference in Kumawu. The press conference was attended by the association’s members from Dadiese, Asekyerewa, Akotosu, Wonoo, Pepiase, Nkwanta, Temaate, Drobonso, Besoro, Bodomase, Ananangya, Woraso, Abotanso, Kumawu etc.

The membership of the association comprises both Kumawuman subjects living in Ghana and overseas hence the name “Kumawuman Subjects Living Home and Abroad” (KSLHA). Every Kumawuman subject wishing the best for the people of Kumawuman and their locality can become a registered member or is a member by extension for the fact of being a subject of Kumawuman and has good intentions about Kumawuman.

Press and cameramen from various media houses descended on Kumawu to give the conference the needed media coverage all in a bid to inform the nation and the world about the concerns of Kumawuman subjects worldwide. Press and cameramen from Daily Guide, Adom FM & TV, Joy FM, Kesseben FM and a host of others were in attendance.

It is the view of the association that Kumawuman that should be rivalling Kumasiman in size and in wealth if history was anything to go by, and had our traditional leaders been farsighted, dynamic, honest and selfless, and dedicated enough, has rather inexplicably been diminished in size and suffered lack of infrastructural development.

For the past forty years, litigations involving the paramount chiefs and the citizens have militated against the development of the people and the locality of Kumawuman. The members of the association do not want this trend of curse upon Kumawuman to continue hence their forward-looking attempts to rescue their ancestral place of birth from the seeming harmful cyclical chieftaincy disputes.

At the press conference, the leadership with the members inclusive made it clear to all those present, and to the entire nation that they will do whatever is lawfully required of them to end the ruinous chieftaincy disputes in order to see Kumawuman clothed in its best and prosperous developmental apparel.

Subsequently, they requested Dr Yaw Sarfo, the presumptive Kumawuhene going by the stool name Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua and the National House of Chiefs, Kumasi, to gladly furnish them with a copy of the forms he filled in, the acceptance of which culminated in his gazetting as the paramount chief of Kumawu.

When they get a copy of the forms and they are satisfied that he had genuinely been elected Kumawuhene, then they will intervene to persuade the other royal families opposing his election to cease so that Kumawuman will have its reasonable share of developments. Development can only come to Kumawuman when the paramount chief and the subjects are all living harmoniously together.

If it turns out that Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua had not been properly elected, then they will advise themselves accordingly as they cannot sit on the fence while Kumawuman continues to deteriorate.

Now that the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute is taking a sharp turn for the better, I am going to publish more updates to bring all citizens and subjects abreast of traditional developments in Kumawuman.

I shall publish the full text of their press statement once I get a copy. In the meantime, tune in your radios to the various Ghana FM and radio stations for news on the mentioned press conference by KSLHA.

More grease to the elbows of the leadership and membership of the farsighted “Kumawuman Subjects Living Home and Abroad.

Rockson Adofo