You are here: HomeNewsCrime & Punishment2016 04 19Article 431947

Refuse Collector jailed for stealing Vehicle

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  • MIKEY 8 years ago

    Why is it that it's only in Ghana that mechanics usually test drive a car after repairing it? Was the mechanic even insured to drive the vehicle?

  • Kwabla, Somanya 8 years ago

    Where in this report did you read that the mechanic was test driving the vehicle? If you want to make up your own story please go ahead and do so and the rest of us shall comment on it.

  • JB Nwotwe 8 years ago

    I cannot stop laughing after reading this article!

    Shows how to carjack without any weapon.

    But truly he may be insane.

  • King 8 years ago

    It's all lies.