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Indian man faces deportation over fake marriage

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  • Citizen, Ghana 8 years ago

    The authorities must not delay at all to deport and banish this crook from entering Ghana ever again! Such wicked Indians, whose only aim is to destroy the economy of supposedly, new nation and nationality, but do not contrib ...
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  • Kolo 8 years ago

    The authorities should not waste time to deport this moron who think Ghana has no immigration laws.

  • Collins 8 years ago

    stupid Ghanaians feeling good about this? we are one of the poorest countries in the world -- that it's a fact and that's what we need to focus on and improve. India is more developed than our backward country

  • kofi kofi 8 years ago

    You are rather foolish.have u been to India b4?you think they live betterlife?do more research.Indians always live fake lifestyle.even most of them have fake educational certificates.faking of documents is their speciality.go ...
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  • HERBERT, SWEDEN 8 years ago

    Citizen, Ghana you are too recitative. What you have written is the same thing your Ghanians are doing in Sweden, USA, Britain, German and all over. They are even worse, than the poor (one Indian) the Indian. If you throw a b ...
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  • rolla 8 years ago

    if you how this indians treat black in they are country,you never talk this shit.

  • Koo Nimo 8 years ago

    Ghanaians treat fellow Ghanaians worse. Indians have contributed immensely to our economy and are suppose to be treated with respect. This Guy has contributed a lot to our economy by way of job creation and paying of taxes. W ...
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  • Blk American 8 years ago

    Here in the US, there are so many Ghanaians that have false papers and other people's name, even many Liberian refugee names, that most can't even go home to Ghana for a vacation.Fearing they will not be able to get back into ...
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  • Boss Lady 8 years ago

    Please this guy broke the rules and got caught let him answer to his consequences. The same would happen if it was a Ghanaian was in India breaking rules they will immediately expedite the consequence.

  • Oko 8 years ago

    Koo Nimo or what you call urself... you are the kind of ppl that will corrupt Ghana if you are given a government job.. How can you compare apple with orange? fake document is against the law period.

  • Oko 8 years ago

    Jail him before repatriation. Go and present fake document in any of the Asia countries and you will hear 'koko'.

  • John 8 years ago

    Ghanaians will get to know these Indians better.They are racist and nation wreckers.Why did Idi Amin deport them from Uganda?

  • Jacob Manda Aryee Abubakar 8 years ago

    Ghana must know that thousands of Ghanaians are getting other nationalities abroad. What is this stpudity all about? Give him and ensure peace Mama Ghana.

  • Amidini 8 years ago

    The law must be applied

  • kokobisa 8 years ago

    Wake up herbert of Sweden.Ghanians doing the same things elsewhere does not mean GHANA as a nation should welcome and be hugging such act.

  • Ajia Alka 8 years ago

    I recall a Ghanaian woman was arrested in India because she was involved in prostitution which was the sole reserve for India women. I hope the laws of Ghana work.

  • jalila Massachusetts 8 years ago

    LMAO ???? wtf? Ghana has deportation law?

  • Ama Densi 8 years ago

    Is this news? Ghanaians go to other countries and do same. Important issue is safeguard u r tax money, minimize corruption, & increase ur income fools! other

  • Benny 8 years ago

    Do his permit for him and let him stay and contribute if he is marrying the woman. Do you know how many Ghanaba in India that has no paper. It is exchange. He is fed up with india and want to try Ghana

  • Koo Nimo 8 years ago

    Unless somebody stands to benefit from this news, I do not see the Sense in embarrassing somebody who wants to stay in our Country and invest in our economy. Lets spend our energy on how to stop corruption and provide social ...
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  • Onipanua 8 years ago


  • Ghanafirst 8 years ago

    Let the man stay. Abaa? He is is not harmin anyone.? I think sometimes we in Ghana are too known