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37 crime suspects arrested in Kumasi

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  • AbasZ 9 years ago

    These people are Ntafo with Akan names. Jail then live.

  • Abu-bakr Bayan Jundullah 9 years ago

    You are very stupid for saying that they northernors when it can be seen clearly.i'm not saying they are akans but you guys mind your comments.

  • MR TRUTH 9 years ago

    When will you Asantes learn to take some responsibility? You steal and cook your own cats and blame Ewes. Now you steal in your own cities and you blame Northerners? Why?

  • NANAO!! MOTHER 9 years ago

    This AbasZ is called Abass Zakari. i know him he is an Ashanti but trying to be,just to create odious between both tribes.Please readers be cautious with such people.

  • NANAO!! MOTHER 9 years ago

    He is not an Ashanti

  • SGT ANANI FIADZOE 9 years ago

    The police are totally wrong. They should arrest all the Ashanti youth because they are all criminals.

  • NANAO!! MOTHER 9 years ago

    So you want police to arrest all Northernors just because Dr Gabass is a Gay and a northernor .Dose that makes all northernors a Gay as well?,Be wise.

  • KWAME-BELGIUM 9 years ago

    Very good explanations. This tells that if the police want to work, they can but the bribe taking must stop and these people put in jail.

  • Yankee 9 years ago

    I fear for Ghana when NPP comes to power. The Akans are noted for stealing and cheating. Cocaine, wee even ritual murders are some of their evil trades. I really panic to think of NPP coming to power