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Madina Police arrest two parents for ostracizing their children

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  • Justice writes from Bronx, New York 9 years ago

    Stupid couples, if they don't want their children to get closer to people, they should go and live in another planet.

  • kkd 9 years ago

    are they Ghanaians? jail them

  • Togbui Yao 9 years ago

    GNA shd wake up. what kind of poor journalism is this. we don't know the nationality of the couple. the information provided is also too scanty. lazy journalists

  • Paa Kwasi Thomas 9 years ago

    Togbui Yao, you're correct. But it seems they're not Ghanaians. The action shows a total disrespect for Ghana. If they don't want their kids to talk/play with anybody in the neighborhood, then they should find them a place i ...
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  • Honestina 9 years ago

    The article lack understanding of where the couple came from. It seems as if they are not native of Ghana. This couple may be foreign national. If they do not like Ghana people, they should pack and leave our country. America ...
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