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Spread the gospel in your communities - SDA youth told

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  • Afrikikoman--Abiding in Salvation per 8 years ago

    Gospel to be preached. It is some pastors slogan. If the holy spirit is a comforter, why comfort zone so bad.
    The Savior Lord God told His followers or disciples, He had to go for the comforter to come on them, why? The comf ...
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  • Afrikikoman--Abiding in Salvation per 8 years ago

    Abiding in the Salvation gospel should be comforting to any disciple of the Savior Mesiah, since the salvation knowledge becomes you: your thoughts, heart and mind, as well as your soul to share comfortably, no matter your ci ...
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  • Afrikikoman--Abiding in Salvation per 8 years ago

    At the convenient or I might say comfort of Peter he won the heart and minds into souls for SALVATION.

  • Afrikikoman--Abiding in Salvation per 8 years ago

    There is nowhere in the bible showcasing any of the twelve disciples owning camels, horses, with the exception of Peter and some others who owned canoes for their fishing businesses to become fishers of souls for SALVATION.

  • Afrikikoman--Abiding in Salvation per 8 years ago

    Quoran? the goodness of quoran should rule not the wickedness. So goes the biblein laws. If the law men breaches their human civil laws which suppose to have come from Bible, what is it? Using the bible in vain, like using th ...
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  • Afrikikoman--Abiding in Salvation per 8 years ago

    -stitution was made to come of bible to create or manufacture some godliness which was abused over the years with the hope people will not noticed the sham in it. Where can I find second amendment in the new testament as Chri ...
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  • Afrikikoman--Abiding in Salvation per 8 years ago

    Electrical wires. Clinton nor Bush gave me money free to buy the house. I worked for the monies for Pope Francis nor Steve Job and co to plant their fucking religions in and around the house. You get that. They are not better ...
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