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Politics of Friday, 1 October 2004

Source: Lens

You are a coward - Jamal to Agyapong

The deputy General Secretary of the NDC, Baba Jamal told Kennedy Agyapong, on the "Kokrokoo" programme on Peace FM recently that he is not the man of steel and courage that he claims to be.

Baba said this in response to Kennedy Agyapong`s clanging noises on the program to the effect that if President Rawlings makes an attempt at making a coup again in this country, he will realise that there are men around who will equally face him.

Baba`s efforts to drive home the point that President Rawlings has no such intentions fell on the deaf ears of the foul talking member of parliament. Instead, Kennedy Agyapong, true to his rabid characteristic, continued to blow hot air.

This attracted an appropriate response from Baba who did not mince words in telling the loud-mouthed NPP MP, that he is not a man. Baba said if Kennedy Agyapong were a man, he would have stayed in this country in the heat of things like Kwesi Pratt and others did.

According to Baba, Kennedy cannot run away like a coward only to come back when the going becomes easy and start making all kinds of wild noises all over the place.

Interestingly, history is replete with the examples of cowardly individuals like Kennedy Agyapong, who invariably are the first to flee even at the sound of a whistle. As it is the case most of the time, empty barrels make the most noise, and Kennedy Agyapong seems to perfectly fit into this category.

It would be recalled that Mr Ato Awhoi not too long ago boldly stated on air that Kennedy Agyapong, inspite of all the noises he makes, was a notorious cocaine dealer. Kennedy Agyapong could not immediately deny this allegation by the former Energy Guru of the NDC. Mr Awhoi was emphatic on the program that he could prove his accusation completely and that Kennedy Agyapong knew fully well that he (Ato Awhoi) had the full facts in this issue.

Back to the Kennedy Agyapong's claims about coup attempts against the ruling NPP, Baba Jamal made it categorically clear that the NDC as a political party will not support any coup in this country