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Opinions of Thursday, 1 June 2017

Columnist: Uncle Passah

Woe unto those ungrateful NPP elements rearing their ugly heads

It appears that the attempts being made by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, to materialise campaign promises made to Ghanaians after his overwhelming victory in the 2016 Elections, doesn’t seem to be of any interest or concern to some big wigs of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Some NPP gurus, proven ungrateful clots, whose names will be mentioned in subsequent articles are only worried and concerned about who becomes the next Flagbearer of the ruling party after Nana Akufo-Addo

To these power drunk cowards working in the shadows, what is of prime importance to them at this critical stage when Ghanaians are watching events closely, is the political ambitions of the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

Though, early days yet, but there have been clear efforts from these NPP top guns to render the Vice President insignificant in all areas to make way for them to push their favourites ahead of the NPP Flagbearership contest.

To these people, the political ambitions of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia will forever remain a political reverie. From all quarters, there have been clear indications to push Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia on the side lines.

This is breeding an early signal of hatred as part of schemes to frustrate the man and to build insurmountable hurdles in his way should he attempt contesting for the NPP flagbearership.

These greedy elements have so soon forgotten the unassailable lead role Dr. Bawumia played in securing victory for the NPP and Nana Akufo-Addo.

This is the very man whose, toil and sweat secured majority of votes from the Northern region and won the hearts of other regions as well since he kept his composure.

The sleuth machinations by some of these so-called powerful individuals within the corridors of power is simply befuddling in the face of the fact that the NPP is even yet to elect the next national executives.

One of the critical points worth citing is that they have ensured that no ‘Bawumia Loyalist’ gets into influential positions within the NPP government.

A perfect example is the continuous calls and mounting of pressure on the Minister for Roads & Highways, Kwasi Amoako Atta for the removal of Bawumia’s school mate, Ing. Abass Awalu, who happens to be the Head of the Department of Urban Roads. An agenda has been set to continuously tout Ing. Abass as a popular activist of the former government under the National Democratic Congress (NDC) party, a development which has apparently turned out to be false.

Not only Ing. Abass, there are other Bawumia loyalists who are being kicked against in their bid to secure government appointments

If the NPP believes in democracy as it has always assured, why then should there be attempts to prevent people nursing presidential ambitions from contesting the flagbearership position.

Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has been a great asset to us; the man has been through a lot to reach this stage. At a point, he lost his most loyal aide, Kwabena Buadu, all in the name of struggle for power and today, his gratitude is nothing more than sudden bloody hatred from some top elements of the NPP and power brokers. So sad!