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Politics of Thursday, 22 December 2022


Why do you keep insisting 2020 election was rigged, publicly show your results - Kabila to NDC

Former acting CPP General Secretary, James Kwabena Bomfeh Former acting CPP General Secretary, James Kwabena Bomfeh

Former acting CPP General Secretary, James Kwabena Bomfeh alias 'Kabila' has dared the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) to present their 2020 election results to disprove the figures that the Electoral Commission declared which saw President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo re-elected into office.

James Kwabena Bomfeh threw down the gauntlet to the NDC while addressing recent revelations by the party's newly elected National Chairman, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, affectionately called 'General Mosquito', who was heard on an audio recording disclosing that the NDC had no concrete evidence when they petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn the 2020 election results.

The party challenged the legitimacy of President Akufo-Addo as winner in the elections but failed to back their claims with convincing evidence in the court.

"When we were doing the collation, the system you (Chairman Ofosu Ampofo) brought saying it is robust and strong, when we collated five Regions; we are told it has crashed. This is the truth. So, when we decided to go to court, we agreed to do manual collation. So, we gathered some people to collect the pink sheets and our Chairman sat on the Collation Committee that he will handle the collation. He went for some University people who did some shoddy work. When the time was up for me to stand in the dock, the results that they gave me if I use it to defend the case, I will be disgraced so we couldn't send those results to the court."

"They then said we should go to lawyer Tsikata. So we carried all the documents and presented them to lawyer Tsikata. These are things we shouldn't be saying publicly. When we gave them to him and in the next morning, after he had perused them, he replied us saying take back your grasscutter. If these are the things you are sending to the court, go and look for your lawyer because I can't do this work. This is why when we went to court and they said where are my results, I replied that I didn't bring any results. I believe you heard that; I don't know how to lie. I am saying if I become the Chairman, all this nonsense will not happen," General Mosquito said in the audio recording.

Although admitting the party had no evidence, Mr. Asiedu Nketia, in his inaugural speech after winning the National Chairman position, took a swipe at the EC stressing there were irregularities in the 2020 elections.

Analyzing the NDC national delegates congress which occurred over the weekend, James Kwabena Bomfeh asked the party to prove to Ghanaians their claims are true since they keep rehashing there was rigging in the elections.

Speaking to host Kwami Sefa Kayi during Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning show, Kabila stated; "As we speak today, you believe there was rigging in the elections. So, show your figures for the election 2020 publicly to prove to us that the Electoral Commission's results were wrong."

"It won't change nothing today though, but so we can believe you. If you indeed believe what you sent to the court was not deception, bring your results," he added.