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Politics of Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Source: Lens

We Will Declare Ourselves Winners – Ohene Ntow

Election 2008 - NPP’s Plan To Throw Ghana Into Chaos…

Having tried it and succeeded in 2004, the NPP is deceiving itself into believing that the rigging strategy that is used can be replicated in 2008. Nana Ohene Ntow, the General Secretary of the NPP, has stated in very clear terms that the NPP will declare itself winners again in 2008 in direct contravention of the electoral laws of the country which mandates only the Electoral Commission to declare election results.

Speaking to Adakabre Frimpong Manso on Hot FM’s Morning Show last Thursday, Ohene Ntow, sounding recklessly confident, said that the NPP was going to adopt the same methods it used in 2004.

Asked whether the 2004 methods of the NPP will include declaring itself winners, Ohene Ntow responded in the affirmative saying that nothing is going to stop the NPP from declaring its results.

“We will compile our own results and declare it” were the words of Ohene Ntow. Asked what would happen should the NDC also go ahead and declare its own results, Ohene Ntow said that the NPP does not give a damn about what the NDC does.

“If we declare and the NDC also declares then we will all wait for the EC to tell us which party is the real winner”.

Ohene Ntow did not seem to bother one bit about the possibility of his action leading to the country going down the path of other countries that burnt because of election disputes.

Ironically, the selfsame Ohene Ntow, has the audacity to cry wolf when Mr. Ohene Agyekum, Ashanti Regional Chairman says that Ghana will burn “if” the NPP rigs the 2008 elections the way it did in 2004.

Ohene Ntow, since Ohene Agyekum made his bold statement last week in Obuasi, has been issuing statements and speaking on lots of radio networks, creating the impression that Ohene Agyekum has committed high treason via what he said. Ohene Ntow, who obviously was not in the thick of affairs when the NPP was in opposition and most likely only jumped aboard the gravy train after the NPP won power, does not remember the kinds of things that Kufuor and Kwamena Bartels said prior to the 2000 elections.

Kufuor, in 2000, said President Rawlings was presiding over a “vampire economy” and that Ghana will not be the same if the NDC rigged the election. Bartels was blunter and said that Ghana will “burn” should the NDC dare rig the elections.

In those days, nobody in the NDC bothered to pay attention to what Kufuor and Bartels were saying because the responsible government that the NDC was, there was no intention to rig the elections.

And history is standing the NDC tall because it graciously accepted defeat in 2000 and handed over with handing over notes in 2001. Ohene Ntow has made it concisely clear that the NPP has serious plans of recklessly declaring itself winner in 2008 like it did in 2004 and it is up to all the other political parties to make sure that the electoral process is guarded as strongly as possible and the rigging plans resisted with all the force at their disposal.