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General News of Sunday, 25 June 2017


Walewale NPP executives reject Akufo Addo’s DCE in the Northern region

The New Patriotic Party executives in the Walewale constituency in the Northern region has rejected Mohammed Abu, a retired civil servant, appointed as District Chief Executive for the West Mamprusi District by President Akufo-Addo to replace Mr. Saaka Sayitu who failed double times to receive assembly members endorsement.

The rejection follows a similar incident in the Savelugu/Nanton municipality where a government delegation just last Wednesday brokered an uneasy truce between factions after more than sixty days of fighting over the appointment of Hajia Ayishetu Seidu as the MCE.

President Nana Addo earlier nominated Mr. Saaka Sayitu as the District Chief Executive but the Assembly members refused to approve his nomination.

A last attempt last month where he was rejected again resulted in chaos as members of the assembly were held hostage by angry supporters who accused them of being bribed.

The president then revoked the appointment and named Mohammed Abu, a native of Tinguru in the district assembly as a replacement which was made public late Friday, June 24.


Party youth in the district capital, Walewale, angrily reacted to the announcement by destroying party installations including two vehicles and made arson attempt on the residence of the constituency chairman.

The constituency party office and the office of Bawumia Youth Group was set ablaze and many properties and documents were shattered in the Friday night onslaught.

The angry youth were then dispersed by the police Saturday morning when they massed up again to protest against the appointment. One youth told Starr News, the nominee was behind the rejection of Sayitu claiming he paid huge sums to some assembly members.

Speaking to Starr News, the constituency secretary Simon Ali said the constituency executives were not consulted in the appointment process and therefore cannot support the nomination of Mohammed Abu.

“I was not consulted as a party constituency secretary, like I was telling you, I don’t know this gentleman they are dealing with. In terms of degree of loyalty to the party, I cannot. In terms of competence, I cannot. You don’t know someone how do you vouch for him, and sometimes you need a party man to understand the policies and programs of the government so you can explain to the people in the grassroots because you are the representative of the President in the grassroots”.

Simon said while they continue to appeal to the youth for calm, an emergency meeting would be conveyed to send a delegation for a round-table discussion with the President to present their grievances and concerns.

He believes the President would rescind his decision if they are given the opportunity to advance their “cogent and convincing arguments” on why they are rejecting the new appointee.

The constituency scribe also appealed to the appointment committee and National leadership to do more to stop the growing controversies that have gripped the appointment of District Chief Executives for the various assemblies by doing “serious consultations.”

“Because the appointment of District Chief Executive is a grassroots appointment and you need somebody who is at the grassroots, you need to vouch for the loyalty of that fellow to the party and most of these things, people were not consulted”.


District Police commander, DSP Aboagye Sarpong confirmed to Starr News that the police on Saturday broke away crowds of angry party supporters who were grouping in the township to stage a street protest against the appointment.

The commander said the youth were asked to write a formal notice to the police and wait for a response for embarking on any action that may affect the lives of other residents.

He warned the law will deal ruthlessly with anyone found disturbing public peace or breaking the law.

“My word to them is to stay away from trouble because police would shield anyone who break the law”, DSP Sarpong cautioned.

The incident has triggered fresh fears of another intra-political hostilities as scores of Walewale residents have vowed not to accept anyone appointed outside the district capital as the District Chief Executive.


The party regional chairman Daniel Bugri Naabu has reportedly called for the immediate ceasefire. The chairman in a brief news conference reportedly advised all aggrieved party supporters to use the appropriate party structures to settle their grievances with party leadership and the appointing authority.

Mr. Naabu’s call has been viewed by many as a desperate attempt to feign a situation of wielding great influence when in fact his dwindled charisma has reached a spot where he cannot visit some constituencies alone to carry out party duties.

The impact of his caution has heavily been downplayed as many believe the controversial regional chairman has lost touch with HE youth following some of his deeds and acts that overstretched the limit and attributes of a good leader.