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Diaspora News of Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Source: Amponsah Stonash

The Blessed And Witty Political Survivor is Our Only Hope – NPP-New York

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has survived many of Ghana’s tumultuous times, not entirely by dint of luck, but by cool-headed political savvy seen by many!

Political life and its exigencies are always toll taking. And one has to go an extra mile to make things work.

Similarly, in the sporting arena where determination and hard work are always hallmark of success, a video documentary reminds me of “the fastest man that ever lived.” In that video, Usain Bolt explained that his unprecedented success has been the blessings from God coupled with dint of hard work and determination. As he put it; “there is no shortcut to success!”

Now, let me get on with my main point. The political atmosphere has rapidly stemmed up to its equilibrium. And at this point, the contenders for the high office of the land come to mind.

Ghana as a developing nation needs a very hardworking, committed, action oriented, principled, altruistic, and corrupt-free person to steer the helm of affairs; a person with high sense of patriotism and nationalism, and solid record in both public and private life – and Nana Akufo-Addo is an exact representation of these attributes.

As he did indicate at the IEA Presidential debate last week, at age thirty three (33), his nationalistic animus was brought to bear when he took up the position of the Gen. Secretary of the popular People’s Movement for Freedom and Justice (PMFJ) that led the “NO” campaign against that UNIGOV government; a perilous engagement that restored the political realm of our nation to multi-party democratic dispensation in 1979. In the spirit of patriotism, Nana Addo suffered going into exile twice.

Indeed, these resilience and tenacity espoused by Nana through the ebbs and flows of his political carrier are clear indication of his trust and certitude to serve this nation to the latter. This is the kind of person Ghana seeks to effectuate – in the long term – its rapid economic, social, environmental, and political transformation.

It is often mind-boggling to look back and realize how average Ghanaians in particular, and Africans in general, suffer in the face of “gargantuan” natural resources available to the country and the continent respectively. This impecuniosity – or better still, underdevelopment – has largely been laid at the doorsteps of mismanagement and, squarely, on corruption.

In this regard, Nana Akufo-Addo has kept a clean sheet throughout his public life. He categorically and emphatically stated, during his IEA encounter that “I am determined to fight corruption aggressively, and I can do so, because I am not corrupt, have never been corrupt, and will demand the same of my team.” Up until now, no body has been able to cast the first stone of refute.

Apparently, that tells us that if the people of this nation want the judicious and productive use of our taxes and the dividends from our natural resources, to better our lives, then we can only entrust our hopes and mandate in the hands of Nana Akufo-Addo.

Nana Addo was really on top of issues at the IEA Presidential debate; he was very articulate, circumspect and vociferous. His answers to questions were clearly in resonance to the aspirations of the average Ghanaian. He showed that, in truth, he has always been in touch with the people, know their predicaments, shares their sentiments, and ready to offer lasting solutions to bring the needed change in their lives.

Unlike John Mahama and his lieutenants, who lack the gravitas and often resort to rabble rousing and invective inconsistent with the development of our nation, Nana Addo’s unfaltering stance on his proposed policies shows his unwavering devotion to propel these policies into realty.

Prominent among them are the educational policy in which lies the Free SHS, industrialization to create jobs, and ensure economic transformation, the “Anas Principle” to fight corruption, revamping the NHIS for robust, effective and efficient health system, addressing housing deficit etc.

These policies embraced by average Ghanaians and plethora of opinion-shapers in our society will critically address pertinent issues confronting the nation. They would rectify problems of corruption, unemployment, failing educational and health system, housing, food insecurity among others that typify the current Mahama-NDC administration. On several occasions, Nana Addo has exhaustively laid bare the road maps to implementing such policies, and after careful examinations, they have proved to be feasible, practicable, workable, achievable, and result oriented. These are policies that will enhance the potentials and fortunes of every Ghanaian.

Certainly, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has shown that he has the wherewithal (ideas) to make Ghana a better place to live. The millions of viewers both home and abroad cannot but admit that Nana soared high above his competitors – some of whom exhibited bankruptcy in ideas – on the IEA presidential platform, an indication of his readiness to take up the responsibilities and challenges that come with the occupation of the high office, and bring about the change Ghana deserves.

The NPP has done it before – and will do it again when given the chance.

Vote Nana Akufo-Addo to help transform and move Ghana forward; for he is our only hope!!!

Amponsah Stonash
NPP Communications Directorate
New York