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Diaspora Pics of Wednesday, 5 January 2005

Source: Reuben Hiadzie

Surprise birthday bash for Juliet Ohui Owusu of Chicago

Chicago Party attracts prominent Ghanaians.;
Most of the time, when Ghanaians gathered massively at party in Chicago, it would be the celebration of the life of a member who has passed away. The enormous number of Ghanaians at the Chicago Park Hotel on January 1 2005 however celebrated the fortieth birthday of Juliet Ohui Owusu, wife of Mr. Samuel Owusu, a Nurse and professional DVD record producer from analog and digital sources-(

Attendants include, parents of NFL and Chicago bears star, Jerry Azumah, they flew to Chicago from Maryland, former Accra Hearts of Oak and Ghana Black Stars megastar, Adolph ?generalissimo? Armah and his beautiful wife, Priscilla Armah, Mr. Anthony Kwarteng of Oakley construction, ?Chicago Mayor? Mr. Boafo Papafio and Mr. and Mrs. Kwesi Nartey.

The 480 capacity-hall was packed with friends and well-wishers!

The party was a real surprise to the celebrant as she entered the hall astounded and befuddled at what was unfolding before her eyes. The way the husband, Sam Owusu, her family and friends surreptitiously invited such a large group of people without unraveling the ?plot? was in itself marveling.

Most revelers reveled to Ghanaweb that life is too short and that one need to celebrate whilst he or she is still ?kicking? rather than celebrated for him or her.

Ghanaweb used the occasion to remind party goers of the next Ghanaweb party coming to Chicago later this year.

Music was provided by upcoming DJ, Kingsley Yamoah of New Generation-773-275-8442.