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Politics of Wednesday, 26 May 2021


Stop behaving as deputy ministers, you’ve not been approved - Haruna Iddrisu cautions nominees

Haruna Iddrisu, Minority Leader of Parliament Haruna Iddrisu, Minority Leader of Parliament

The Minority Leader of Parliament Haruna Iddrisu has cautioned deputy minister nominees to desist from holding themselves in that capacity since they have not been approved.

Speaking on the floor of Parliament yesterday, May 25, 2021, he said some of the appointees are behaving in a manner that is preempting the work of the Appointments Committee.

Mr. Iddrisu said many of them are in a hurry to assume office even while Parliament has not considered their nomination.

The Appointments Committee of Parliament is expected to commence vetting of the deputy ministerial nominees on June 2, 2021.

However, some of them have started holding themselves as deputy minister and taking decisions.

But the Minority who served a warning said the action by the nominees is illegal.

“There are many of them who are in a hurry to assume office even while Parliament has not even considered their nomination. May I Mr. Speaker serve a warning that in accordance with the ruling J.H. Mensah vs Attorney General, they will be in a hurry at their own peril because they must respect the provisions of the Constitution.”