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Regional News of Monday, 24 May 2021


S/R: One dead, many injured in Mpaha clash over land

A photo of a victim at the hospital A photo of a victim at the hospital

One person has lost his life and several others have been critically wounded in a land-related conflict between two communities, Losumpe and Kejasa near Mpaha in the Central Gonja District of the Savanna.

The incident happened on Saturday, 22 May 2021.

A police situational report on the incident said Debrewura Sulwu, who is the Paramount Chief of the Debre traditional area, called the Mpaha police to his palace to provide security for him and his elders so they can settle a land dispute between the two communities because he sensed danger.

The police went to the palace and met the Debrewura, his elders and other people but during the settlement of the issue, both parties became aggrieved, started insulting themselves and the situation degenerated into a free-for-all fight.

Some of them sustained injuries and were rushed to the Mpaha Health Centre and Family Life Clinic, Kigbirpe for treatment.

A team of military and police personnel from Buipe were dispatched to Mpaha to support the police to maintain law and order.

Calm was eventually restored at the place.

The police later visited the Mpaha Health Center and met one of the victims, Mr Iddrisu Fuseini, aged 48, dead, with two cuts on his chest and bloodstains in his trousers.

They also saw two survivors: Ibrahim Yakubu, 37; and Alhassan Abubakari, 42, both with multiple cuts on their bodies, on admission receiving treatment.

The police also proceeded to Family Life Clinic at Kigbirpe and met one Abaka Alhassan, 49, also with multiple cuts on his body on admission receiving treatment.

The body of the deceased has been conveyed to the Tamale Teaching Hospital mortuary for preservation and autopsy.

Meanwhile, the District Chief Executive of Central Gonja, Mr Mustapha Mahama, has visited the area and was at the palace to implore the chiefs and elders to embrace peace and use dialogue to resolve issues that concern the use of their traditional authority.

He said the police and military presence is to help maintain peace but, adding that the law will deal with anybody who breached the peace of the area.

The Debrewura, for his part, thanked the DCE for his swift response in deploying the military and police to the area to help protect lives and property and promised the cooperation of his palace in maintaining law and order in Mpaha.

He also visited the Bunbunwura, head of the Nusunpe clan; and the Kijasewura, head of the Kijase clan, separately, and also implored them to urge the youth to exercise restraint and desist from further attacks or reprisals as the law enforcement agencies investigate the situation and bring the perpetrators to book.