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Crime & Punishment of Monday, 11 November 2013

Source: Daily Guide

Robbers raid Police Station

The Mampong District Police Station was attacked on Saturday night by three hooded gunmen over the arrest of their gang members.

Lance Corporal Ofori Djumor, who was on night duty alone, sustained some bullet wounds and he is recuperating at the hospital.

The armed robbers, wielding a pump action gun, AK47 and a locally made pistol, made away with a rifle from the station during the encounter.

This latest attack followed a similar one by armed robbers at a police barracks at Ashaiman near Tema, where the hoodlums allegedly stole a motorbike and a car battery.

Sgt. Peter Tetteh, who was nearby, heard the gunshots and rushed to the scene to help, but he nearly got shot. The robbers misfired, so he dashed to the nearest bank to call the officer on duty for help. However, by the time he returned, the gunmen had left with the AK 47 rifle belonging to the police.

Lance Corporal Ofori Djumor had refused to do the bidding of the three hooded gunmen who sought the keys to the cells in a quest to have their pals freed.

A police source said in all, about 11 or so criminals were caged in the cells for various criminal offences including robbery.

Last week, one of the hostels of the Ashesi University at Brekusu was attacked and some students were robbed of their laptops amongst other valuables.

The police traced some of the items to the hideouts of the robbers and two persons were arrested and caged.

The Lighthouse Orphanage robbery culprits amongst other suspected criminals were also caged at the station.