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Politics of Monday, 16 September 2019


RE: Former NPP Assin South Parliamentary aspirant goes independent

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Mr. Joseph Kofi Damtse, a former aspiring parliamentary member has debunked reports that he has expressed willingness to go Independent in the 2020 elections due to some personal reasons.

In a statement copied to Ghanaweb, Mr Damtse distanced himself from the letter above purporting to be coming from him.

He wrote to Ghanaweb on Monday blaming his opponents of issuing the letter and trying many vile propaganda tools against him so as to emerge as the only alternative to the delegates in the primaries.

Read his full statement below

I read with shock and dismay a letter purported to have been written by me, Joseph Kofi Damtse and published on the page of dated, today, September 16, 2019.

I, Joseph Kofi Damtse, an aspiring parliamentary candidate for New Patriotic Party in Assin South Constituency wish to state without any equivocation that there is NO iota of truth in the letter published by The entire article is FALSE.

I have never considered, contemplated or discussed any such plans with any person since I started my journey to contest in 2019 New Patriotic Party primaries in Assin South constituency.

I am a true patriot and a firm believer of the Dankwah-Busia-Dombo tradition and have followed the party since my school days and served the party in diverse ways. I therefore cannot do anything to scuttle the political fortunes of the party in election 2020. This is not the first time I am contesting primaries in the constituency and anybody who has worked with me in the party can attest to my love for the party

The letter published by is a sad example of bad journalism that we must all endeavor to eradicate from our public discourse. We cannot continue to have journalists who publish stories without cross checking and without credible basis.

I also believe that the publication is part of my opponent's mischief and propaganda intended to discredit me and also derail my good course in winning the primaries.

My opponents have tried many vile propaganda tools against me so as to emerge as the only alternative to the delegates in the primaries but none has dampened my hope of winning the primaries. I am only waiting for the outcome of the vetting so that Team Damtse can kick start our vigorous campaign to canvass the support of the delegates in the constituency.
I have therefore instructed my lawyers to sue the publishers of the wicked propaganda letter if they decide not to retract and apologize with the same seriousness they used to publish the fake letter.

I want to reiterate and emphasize that, my position to contest and win the primaries in Assin South is unabated and no impediment can be pushed my way to prevent me from winning the primaries in the constituency.

Long live NPP
Long live Assin South constituency

*Joseph Kofi Damtse*

*Assin South NPP*

*parliamentary aspirant*