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General News of Monday, 24 August 2020


‘Nepotistic’ Akufo-Addo government ‘most abysmal’ in Ghana’s history – Edudzi Tamakloe

Edudzi Tamakloe is an aide to former president John Dramani Mahama Edudzi Tamakloe is an aide to former president John Dramani Mahama

In the sixty-three-year-old history of Ghana, never has there been a more incompetent and nepotistic government than the Akufo-Addo administration, Edudzi Tamakloe, an aide to former president John Dramani Mahama has said.

Edudzi Tamakloe says the only people who benefited from the first four years of Akufo-Addo’s stewardship are people with close ties to him.

He described the NPPs manifesto as “protecting the progress made for family and friends”.

According to him, the president is seeking reelection to enrich his family and friends at the expense of Ghanaians.

“The manifesto is about protecting the progress made for family. The transformation relative to family and friends, that’s the manifesto they’ve launched. The 2016 manifesto is the social contract they had with Ghanaians. When you compare the 2016 to the 2020 manifestos, nothing has changed so if he’s asking for four more years then it is four more to enrich your friends”.

The lawyer observed since independence, no government has expended more funds than NPP however there is little to show for.

He asserted Ghana’s debt has witnessed an astronomical increase under the NPP but little evidence exist to justify the expenditure.

“The envelope of resources under the Mill-Mahama government was GHC248bn. Within a space of three and half years, the Akufo-Addo government has spent GHC315bn. The overall cost of Free SHS is GHC6bn so when you deduct, where has the the rest gone to?

“This government has borrowed close to GHC134bn. The Bible says to whom much is given, much is expected. You have gotten more financial resources than the eight years combined of Mahama and Mills and you haven’t build any new hospital or SHS. I have never seen a government so abysmal in his four years than this government. It’s not leadership for service but leadership for family and friends”, he concluded.

Edudzi was commenting on the NPP’s 2020 manifesto which was launched in Cape Coast over the weekend. The NPP has in the manifesto promised to build an airport in Cape Coast should it be voted again.

They also promised to scrap the guarantor system on student loans.