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Politics of Thursday, 28 January 2016


NDC pardons Namoale

Member of Parliament for the Dadekotopon constituency Nii Amasah Namoale has been pardoned by the National Democratic Congress after he was suspended by the party in December 2015.

A statement signed by the secretary of the Greater Accra branch of the ruling party Victor Quarshie Adonoo stated that the former deputy minister for Fisheries and Aqua-culture has apologized for the way and manner he conducted himself after the party’s presidential and parliamentary primaries.

"The Member of Parliament for Dadekotopon in the Greater Accra region Hon. Nii Amasah Namoale has been pardoned after apologising to the Greater Accra Regional Executives of the National Democratic Congress".

Namoale was suspended alongside Ningo-Prampram candidate Sam George for misconduct after the primaries in November last year.

Below is the full statement


The Member of Parliament for Dadekotopon in the Greater Accra region Hon. Nii Amasah Namoale has been pardoned after apologising to the Greater Accra Regional Executives of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Hon. Namoale was suspended from the party with effect from December 1 2015 pending the hearing by the Discipline Committee in line with the party’s constitution for making disparaging comments about some of the Regional Executives of the party after the presidential and parliamentary primaries in his constituency.

He however apologised to the leadership of the party in the region on the 16 of December 2015 for the way and manner he conducted himself after the primaries and has assured the region of his highest respect.

He indicated in his letter that “Clerics and traditional leaders in my constituency have had a meeting with me to know and understand that my choice of words in the interview I granted to the various media houses was unacceptable as their member of parliament”.

The Regional Executives have thus pardoned him and have quashed their earlier decision to suspend him from the party. They have also expressed their gratitude to the said clerics and traditional leaders for their exemplary leadership and urged all others to enhance Ghana’s growing democracy.