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Politics of Thursday, 1 November 2018

Source: Naa Odey

NDC Women Organizer in the Netherlands congratulates Hanna Bissiw

Honorable Juliana Nawanga, the women organizer for National democratic congress (NDC) in the Netherlands has congratulated Honorable Dr. Hanna Louisa Bissiw, the newly elected national women organizer for the NDC to consider in earnestness a reform of women action plan, young ladies empowerment as well as NDC diaspora women movements as core areas in order for the party to smell victory come 2020 general election.

"It is a fact that our great AKATAMANSO party at the moment is at a crossroads with issues resulting from the last general election in 2016 which the NDC lost power, and due to the ineffective and reluctant posture of some national executives."

Today, Honorable Dr. Hanna Louisa Bissiw has been elected to bring effective and vibrant leadership to revolutionize the women front both in and outside Ghana which include: us – the royals, religious and the die-hard supporters in the Netherlands.

“I want to see a proper and a well detailed program and activities that will engage our women both in Ghana and overseas, an organized young ladies forums to engage and interact with the terming ladies of today, and a healthy cordial relationship with all NDC women organizers in the diaspora especially the Netherlands.’’ said Hon. Juliana Nawanga.

According to Honorable Juliana, is about time the newly elected national women organizer and the entire party executives rethink and strategise to build strong and dynamic relations with the diasporas branches in order for the overseas wings to also contribute their views in-line with the party stratagem to victory in 2020, which is possible due to the current hardship and unreliable plan by the NPP government.

Honorable Juliana Nawanga advice party executives both national and regional, council of elders and the various presidential hopefuls to be mindful not to expose each other to the extreme when debating on internal issues such as the upcoming national executives and flagbearership race elections.