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Regional News of Monday, 15 May 2023


NDC Primaries: I will break 4-year jinx in Jomoro in 2024 - Dorcas Afo-Toffey

Dorcas Affo -Toffey has been elected as the NDC parliamentary candidate for Jomoro constituency Dorcas Affo -Toffey has been elected as the NDC parliamentary candidate for Jomoro constituency

Correspondence from Western Region

Dorcas Affo-Toffey, the sitting Member of Parliament (MP) for Jomoro Constituency of the Western Region, has assured her party, an avowed commitment personally made to break the 4-year jinx that for several years has eluded many political figures and made Jomoro, a swing Constituency exchanging hands.

The Constituency has been handled by different political figures including, Samia Yaba Nkrumah, daughter of Ghana's first president, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.

Since 2004 when Lee Ocran, former Minister for Education won it, the seat has been swinging from one person to another and in 2016, the NPP succeeded in snatching it from the NDC for the first time in history.

Consequently, no incumbent MP in Jomoro as records show has succeeded in retaining the swing seat after serving one term.

A negative development, many people believe could have impacted progress and development in the coastal area known for its agro prospects due to cocoa cultivation, and buoyant trading activities along the Ghana-Ivory Coast boarder in the Western Region among others.

But the incumbent Member of Parliament Dorcas Affo-Toffey says she will galvanize the energies of her constituents to break the one term cycle.

"So many MPs have come and gone but the good people of Jomoro have reposed confidence in me to develop the constituency and they have demonstrated that they will not change me as their MP and bring new face, they want continuity", she said.

She, therefore, promised not to disappoint the good people of Jomoro Constituency.

"From the assurance I have received so far, I will not also disappoint them, I will work harder than before to bring development projects in this Constituency, I love Jomoro so much that is why I have devoted my time and my resources to place Jomoro on the world map," she stated.

Dorcas Affo-Toffey who became MP in the area on January 7, 2021, emphasised that her track record so far in the constituency would encourage the good people of Jomoro to renew her mandate come December 7, 2024.

"As an opposition MP, I have done a lot of physical projects in this Constituency, I have constructed a 20-seater WC toilet at Tikobo Number Two community, I have constructed a concrete bridge for the good people of Bentelebo, I have constructed potable water for ten communities, I have distributed dual desks for many basic schools in Jomoro, I have scholarships to SHS students, I have provided financial support to so many tertiary students

"I have reconstructed Twiakor to Navrongo poor road network for cocoa farmers there, I have supported Jomoro Municipal Health Directorate which medical equipment, I'm currently constructing 6-unit classroom block at T2 Forest Junction, I'm also constructing so many bridges in this Constituency and I will commission them before 2024 elections, I have also contributed a lot on the floor of Parliament and I will continue to a lot for my people," she added.

She called on the good people of Jomoro to rally behind her to develop the area.

"I have not come to do discrimination, as an MP I don't like that, I'm there for everybody, my doors are opened for everyone, I will need everybody's support in order to develop this constituency," she pledged.

Dorcas Affo-Toffey took the opportunity to thank the NDC delegates who re-elected her on May 13 as the party's 2024 parliamentary candidate.

Jomoro NDC delegates converged at Bawia Basic School Park near Samenye on Saturday to elect their presidential and parliamentary candidates for the upcoming general elections.

Dorcas Afo-Toffey garnered 1,574 votes representing 89.9 percent to beat her main contender, Francis Ackatia Kwaidoo who managed to get 175 votes representing 10 percent.

The total valid votes cast were 1,749 while one vote was rejected.

In the presidential election, former president John Dramani Mahama polled 1,723 votes representing 99.7 percent to beat Kojo Bonsu who only got 4 votes representing 0.23 percent.

Total valid votes cast were 1,727 with 12 rejected votes.