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Regional News of Monday, 23 September 2019


NCCE renews effort to rein in corruption

James Mensah James Mensah

The chiefs and people of the Tafo Municipality in the Ashanti Region, have undergone a day's training to build their capacity for active participation in the effort to stem corruption.

The programme, sponsored by the European Union (EU), was held under the auspices of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE).

"Corruption is a canker that needs not to be tolerated since it is a destroyer of any progressive society," Mr Fred Obeng, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), said in his opening address at Tafo Mile Three.

He said the citizenry should strive to demonstrate patriotism in the on -going anti-corruption campaign.

As responsible citizens, we are required not to condone practices that tend to dissipate our resources. We must be determined to protect the public purse at all times," Mr Obeng said.

He urged the people to support government to overcome the canker for sustainable development.

Nana Agyin Frimpong, the Chief of Old Tafo, said there is the need for the people to expose corrupt practices in the society.

They should not be afraid to name and shame those involved in the act to help deter other people from engaging in such practices.

Mr James Mensah, a Legal Officer of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), speaking on the 'Anti-Corruption Rule of Law and Accountability Programme (ARAP) and Environmental Governance', advised the people to be conversant with the relevant laws dealing with corruption in all its forms.

Mr Saani Suraka, the Municipal NCCE Director, said the Commission was determined to whip up the enthusiasm of all to join the anti-corruption fight.

It was for this reason that they were embarking on the nationwide education exercise to sensitize the masses on the dangers of the canker.