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Health News of Friday, 28 April 2017


Let's consider 'doctor visit' at our workplaces - NASACA

The National Safety Campaign (NASACA) has released a statement advocating and calling for the consideration of what they term ''Doctor Visit'' to ensure a healthy human resource in the country.

The statement decried the lack of interest on the part of some Ghanaians to seek medical care periodically.

In the statement, NASACA has admonished state institutions to consider this call because ''Ghana aims at improving its working environment but several employers are not considering the health of the workers while employees themselves hardly bother about their own good health.'

'The statement said, ''With this system, the various institutions shall engage the services of medical officers to administer medical check-ups on all members of staff including the employer periodically.

The statement has been issued in commemoration of the World Day for Safety and Good Health at the workplace on 28th April, 2017.


The National Safety Campaign (NASACA) has learnt with keen interest, the need to ensure good health of the nation’s human resource.This is because; the wealth of a nation is powered by the health of its people.

It takes healthy people to drive a wealthy economy.Ghana, it is evidence that a greater percentage of the population hardly seek medical examination periodically to know their health status.

The worse of it all is how people drag their feet to seek medical attention even when they notice symptoms of sickness.

Ghana aims at improving its working environment but several employers are not considering the health of the workers while employees themselves hardly bother about their own good health.

NASACA is challenging the employee to include the call for better health measures to the habitual cry for better pay to enable them work well to actualize the reason for whatever they demand of the employers.

With good health, both the employer and the employee stand the chances of countless benefits.

But surprisingly, most people do not know their health status. Medically, it is advisable for each person to be abreast with their medical status but undeniably, few people are battling with health complications that were as a result of the work they do or working environment, mostly when they attend to emergency situations.

Accidentally, some meet their untimely death during their line of duty. Safety and good health still ring on a high tone.Per these observations and among other pressing health conditions of the citizenry, NASACA is calling on the state to consider implementing what is termed in most industrialized nations as “DOCTOR VISIT” for consistent medical check-ups for workers in Ghana.

With this system, the various institutions shall engage the services of medical officers to administer medical check-ups on all members of staff including the employer periodically.

This, if considered, shall help the nation know the health status of its people at all times and plan accordingly.

The benefit of DOCTOR VISIT if implemented shall include increased productivity, active and happy working team across board, reduced load on staff members and medical officers among others.

As the world celebrates World Day for Safety and Good Health at the workplace on 28th April, coupled with the May Day, we are so calling on the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations, Ministry of Health, Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) and all other labour unions to take it upon themselves to ensure this in the nearest possible time.‘’Don’t wait till it occurs’’.Daniel Asuku