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Politics of Tuesday, 13 July 2004

Source: GNA

"Let's all maintain peace during the elections" - JAK

Accra, July 13, GNA - President John Agyekum Kufuor on Tuesday appealed to Ghanaians to resolve to ensure the prevailing peace and tranquillity in the country was maintained during Election 2004.

"All and sundry should resolve to sustain the peace and stability we are enjoying, especially during the December general election. Government would endeavour to maintain peace and order during the period, therefore, nobody should be allowed to hijack the country's democracy."

President Kufuor made the appeal when a delegation of Chiefs and Elders from the Ga Traditional Council paid a courtesy call on him at the Castle, Osu.

The delegation led by Nii Adote Obour II, Sempe Mantse and Acting President of the Council, informed President Kufuor about the preparations for this year's Homowo celebrations and to invite him to a special luncheon on Saturday September 4 at the Ga Mantse's Palace and a Grand Durbar of Chiefs and people at the same venue on Saturday September 11.

President Kufuor called on Ghanaians to support the Government to ensure free, fair and transparent elections that would allow the people to choose a Government of their choice.

He said, "in recent times there had been some discordant voices and noises on the conduct of the elections and the Government would not allow them to continue to disturb the peace and tranquillity we are enjoying".

President Kufuor commended Gas for their tolerance and accommodating nature that had enabled other ethnic groups from all parts of the country to settle in their community that had turned the city into a Metropolis.

However, he cautioned the Chiefs and people to show consciousness for social services for some of the suburbs within the Metropolis that were developing very fast without an effective and efficient planning that had led to the establishment of slums.

President Kufuor called for cooperation among the Chiefs, People and the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) and the Ministry of Tourism and Modernisation of the Capital City to develop and beautify the Metropolis.

"We count on the cooperation of the Chiefs and People to give full support to the authorities to address the problems of sanitation in the Metropolis."

Nii Obour commended the Government for the peace and tranquillity prevailing in the country.

He appealed to the Government for assistance from potential investors to rehabilitate the James Town Harbour and turn it into a fishing harbour; early completion of the dredging of the Korle Lagoon and the Salaga Market Project.