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Health News of Thursday, 5 July 2018

Source: Raphael Nyarkotey Obu

LIFESTYLE: Garlic and Onion fight Prostate danger

Prostate cancer is one of the most common male malignancies worldwide, and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common cause of lower urinary tract symptoms in elderly men.

Garlic (Allium sativum) has been known to have anti?inflammatory, anti?cancer and antioxidant effects. Owing to these effects, garlic and its preparations have been used for the treatment of prostate cancer and relief of BPH symptoms for decades.

It is thought that the mechanism(s) through which garlic may show anti?cancer and anti?inflammatory effects should be investigated further. Several researchers are attempting to demonstrate the useful properties of garlic and its mechanism(s) of action.

Studies have demonstrated more than 150 beneficial health effects of garlic, including reducing your risk for heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, and various cancers such as brain, lung and prostate cancer.

Interestingly enough, An Italian multicenter, case-control study examined the potential role of allium vegetables, namely onions and garlic, on BPH. Using dietary questionnaires, researchers found that men with BPH typically ate less garlic and fewer servings of onions per week than those without BPH.

Researchers did point out a few weaknesses in their study, such as the fact that they didn’t collect information on the types of onions and garlic that participants ate, how the vegetables were prepared, or the consumption of other allium vegetables, such as scallions. Nor did the study account for changes in diet over time. Even so, the findings suggest that a diet rich in onions and garlic may cut the odds of developing BPH(Galeone et al 2007) published in the journal Urology.

Garlic is also an all-round disease fighting product. Example, Research has shown that those taking garlic daily for three months had fewer colds than those who took a placebo, and, when they did come down with a cold, the duration of illness was shorter. Garlic must be used fresh to give you optimal health benefits. To stimulate the process that catalyzes the formation of allicin, compress a fresh clove with a spoon prior to swallowing it, or put it through your juicer with other veggies.

According to The University of Oregon, Linus Pauling Institute, garlic is a good source of organosulfur compounds, including alliinase, which is released when garlic is crushed or chopped. Organosulfur compounds are thought to provide certain health benefits.

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Laboratory studies have shown that raw garlic can kill bacteria, reduce blood lipid levels, slow blood clotting, and potentially reduce blood pressure. Some studies have also shown that garlic may be able to stimulate the immune system and decrease tumor growth in some cancers. But research investigating garlic's cancer-preventing power has provided mixed results.

In lab studies, raw garlic has been shown to have antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, and antifungal qualities. Studies investigating its power to lower blood pressure and reduce your risk for heart disease have also provided mixed results.

In this article, I’m only going to reveal to you how you can use garlic for prostate cancer, not to heal it, but to help your body and give it a fighting chance against it. To give your body enough resources to get rid of this dangerous disease while also preventing cancer cell propagation to your whole system and more importantly, to your vital organs!

Indeed, as in all my previous articles on natural medicines I made mentioned that no single ingredient or plant can treat cancer alone. You need an amalgamation of clinically proven ingredients to do this. You can’t go to war with one soldier! So garlic cannot be used alone to get rid of cancer, in fact, if you are suffering from prostate cancer, you must tell your doctor about everything you do, especially if you are attempting to take new supplements or medications, and even with garlic, you should consult him, he alone knows your condition very well and what you need to take in order to increase your treatment’s effectiveness.

Nevertheless, garlic is very powerful against prostate cancer, and it has been proven scientifically, just read the following scientific papers in this article; it will change your life forever.

Garlic: Superfood!

A superfood is a food rich in nutrients that is incredibly beneficial for our well-being and health. In many ways, garlic is a superfood. Garlic has always been considered a nutritious and delicious component in our food. It contains vital active components that have been proven to benefit our circulation, and prevent prostate enlargement and cancer. How is garlic considered to be a superfood? Find out how garlic has been used throughout history for a wide array of purposes.

History and Ancient Use of Garlic

According to Petrovska and Cekovska (2010), garlic originated in Middle Asia, along the regions of West China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The ancient Sumerians were already using garlic for its healing properties. From there, it spread to Eastern China, East Asia and the new world.

Garlic was one of the most used medicinal plants in ancient China since 2700 BC. The Chinese have used it for its healing and stimulating effects. It was incorporated into their concept of yin and yang. It was mainly prescribed for people suffering from depression.

In ancient India, garlic was used as a remedy for lack of appetite, cough, weakness, rheumatism, skin disease and hemorrhoids. Its preparation was in the form of a tonic.

The ancient Egyptians were also familiar with this superfood. They used it for its medicinal and aromatic properties. Among other spicy foods, garlic was widely used and gained mercantile importance. The use of garlic in ancient Egypt is evidenced by clay sculptures of garlic bulbs that date from 3700 BC. Archaeologists even found some garlic bulbs in the pyramids.

Superfood: Not Just The Egyptians…

Garlic was also used by the ancient Greeks. Archaeological excavations in the Knossos Palace on Crete reveal garlic bulbs that date from 1850-1400 BC. Hippocrates claimed that garlic could be used as a remedy against intestinal parasites, as well as a remedy against laxative and diuretic.

In the later years of the Roman Empire, garlic became widely used as both a remedy and spice. Pliny, a notable Roman doctor and scientist from the first century, claimed that garlic was a powerful plant with universal healing properties. It was used for curing indigestion, colic, consumption and fever. It was even used as an aphrodisiac.

Eventually, garlic was brought to the new world. It arrived in England in 1548. Westerners adapted the traditional use of garlic as an anthelminthic and skin treatment. In addition, Europeans appreciated its unique taste and used it to their food recipes. Louis Pasteur, the “Father of Microbiology and Immunology”, claimed that garlic had antibiotic properties and killed many types of bacteria, including the one that caused peptic ulcers.

Modern Use

Continuous research is being done on the medicinal properties of garlic. Apart from its antibiotic properties, garlic is being studied for the treatment of cancers and other chronic diseases.

A critical review by Rahman and Lowe (2006) analyzed numerous studies since 1993 regarding the medical benefits of garlic to preventing cardiovascular diseases. They claim that increased garlic consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Enzymes present in garlic have been shown to decrease lipids, platelet aggregation (associated with stroke and atherosclerosis), increase antioxidants, and inhibit the action of angiotensin-converting enzyme (related to hypertension).

There is also evidence supporting the anthelmintic properties of garlic. Ayaz et al (2008) evaluated the effects of garlic on intestinal parasitic nematodes in mice. They found that garlic was about 91% effective in treating the infected samples. Subsequently, they made recommendations for garlic to be used as an alternative anti-parasitic treatment for humans.

Garlic Helps Prevent Prostate Disease and Cancer

Apart from its ability to prevent various infections and cardiovascular diseases, there is also growing evidence supporting the anti-cancer properties of garlic and its ability to prevent prostate enlargement. According to Amagase et al (2001), garlic has a wide array of bioactive components. It prevents the formation of free radicals which contribute to the development of cancer and BPH. Garlic was also found to support the body’s protective mechanisms to destroy free radicals.

Agarwal (1996) studied allicin, a component of garlic, and its anti-cancer potential. It was found that allicin actively combats sarcomas (cancer of connective tissues) in rats. Garlic extracts have the potential to stop cell division of cancer-causing cells in all phases of growth. Live studies have also shown that garlic has a component which prevents the development of cancer cells in patients with acute myeloid leukemia.

In another study, a compound in garlic known as diallyl disulfide was found to suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells. It also showed that the higher the dose of diallyl disulfide, the greater its effect on suppressing prostatic cancer growth.

So garlic, in the many ways mentioned, is truly a superfood. It’s good to know that we can readily have it, eat it and enjoy its many benefits. It’s also good to know that it can help treat many common chronic diseases, such as prostate enlargement, and promote a natural way of healing.

Sex Benefits

Garlic just might help your sex life—just make sure your partner eats some too! No really, garlic has long been considered an aphrodisiac. Garlic improves blood circulation, which might improve sexual function

Heart Hearth

It is not just good for your love life, but for your real heart health as well. Garlic fights heart disease, decreases blood pressure, and prevents blood clots. It has been said to lower cholesterol as well. But these are not the only garlic health benefits for men.

Antioxidant, Antibacterial, and Antiviral Properties

Garlic contains allicin, which has many positive effects as an antioxidant, trapping free radicals, and it also helps to rid the body of toxins, improving liver function. Allicin in garlic contains antibacterial and antiviral properties. Studies have shown that people who eat garlic are less likely to get sick. If you do catch a cold, chewing and swallowing a small amount of fresh, raw garlic helps break up nasal congestion.

Athlete’s Foot

The enzymes in garlic can even help with funguses such as athlete’s foot. Crush up two to four cloves of fresh garlic and add to warm water to create a footbath in a container large enough to fit your feet. Add a small amount of rubbing alcohol. Soak feet for 30 minutes. You can also mince a few cloves of garlic and cover with a small amount of olive oil. Cover and let sit for about three days, shaking a few times per day. Using a cotton ball, apply the oil to the affected areas twice a day until the athlete’s foot clears.

Chemical-Free Pesticide

If you are avoiding chemical pesticides, try using garlic to repel fleas and mosquitoes. Garlic is natural and is not associated with cancer and other health problems that come from chemical exposure.

Garlic versus Tamiflu

Garlic may be particularly useful in preparation for cold and flu season, as it contains compounds capable of killing a wide variety of organisms, including viruses and bacteria that can cause earaches, colds and influenza. The respected research organization Cochrane Database—which has repeatedly reported that the science does not support the use of flu vaccine as a first-line defense—has also reviewed studies on the alternatives, such as the use of garlic.

They found that those who took garlic daily for three months had fewer colds than those who took a placebo, and, when they did come down with a cold, the duration of illness was shorter—an average of 4.5 days compared to 5.5 days for the placebo group.

While this may not seem overly impressive, it's still better than the results achieved by the much-advertised flu drug Tamiflu. If taken within 48 hours of onset of illness, Tamiflu might reduce the duration of flu symptoms by about a day to a day and a half. That's the extent of what this $100-plus treatment will get you. It's virtually identical to just taking garlic on a regular basis!

However, some patients with influenza are at increased risk for secondary bacterial infections when on Tamiflu—a risk you won't take by eating garlic... Other adverse events of Tamiflu include pediatric deaths, serious skin reactions, and neuropsychiatric events, including suicide committed while delirious.

Take Home

Garlic powder, Garlic Tea, garlic oil, and garlic supplements are readily available. Garlic supplements can either be made from garlic oil or from fresh, dried, or aged garlic. According to Penn State Medical Center, each may have different effect on the body

Indeed, garlic has been used against a wide variety of cancer cells successfully. On the other hand, I want you to consume the following foods:

Beans, dark green leafy vegetables, whole wheat products, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables, most importantly, you need to consume lots of nuts and seeds, especially walnuts and flaxseeds, they will help your condition tremendously.

Never have raw garlic on an empty stomach, it can be very disgusting and may somehow cause stomach issues. Trust me, as mentioned in the scientific article I have just shared with you, garlic is fantastic when it comes to different types of cancers, and this will help not only reduce your prostate cancer risks, but other cancer risks as well.