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Regional News of Monday, 22 February 2021


Kojoboffour residents lament over 'death trap', 'health risk' toilet facility

Correspondence from Bono Region

Residents of Kojoboffour, a suburb of Yeji in the Pru East District have called on authorities to turn an eye to a “death trap” and “health risk” toilet facility in the community.

The toilet facility, though in a very bad state is still in use as residents have no alternative in the community.

Located at habitat, an area at Kojoboffour, the toilet serves over 600 residents including women and children.

With some strong stench greeting you as you get closer to the place; its dilapidated nature and dirty surroundings cannot also escape the curious eye of any well-meaning Ghanaian.

Some of the residents who spoke to Ghanaweb off-camera complained bitterly about the state of the toilet.

According to them, aside its dilapidated nature, it is clear that it is posing a health risk to people who use the facility and those leaving around.

Madam Yawa told Ghanaweb that it is clear that the toilet is unfit to be used by the people but they are compelled to use it as they have no other toilet facility in the community.

She disclosed that they are left with the sad situation of using the toilet in its current state or they result to open defecation.

“This is the toilet we are forced to use as residents in this area. It is in a bad state but there is little we can do as that is the one we rely on”, she lamented.

The Assembly Member for the area, Honourable Yaw Beya appealed to benevolent organisations to come to their aid by providing a befitting place of convenience for the community.