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Politics of Friday, 2 October 2020


‘I never knew people can be cruel in politics’ – Obour

Bice Osei Kuffour known in showbiz as Obour says, he never knew that people would be so cruel in politics until his failed contest to represent the people of Asante Akyem South on the ticket of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).

According to him, the sudden demise of his father affected him emotionally and people capitalised on that to run his campaign down.

“Until I entered into mainstream politics, I never knew people could be so cruel and concoct stories that are non-existent and make them so close to the truth,” he said.

He explained that his father’s death gave him “a very bad PR, it also had a major toll on me emotionally and of course it also affected my fundraising.”

Obour told Paul Adom-Otchere on Good Evening Ghana that on Thursday that at a point he even wanted to withdraw and mourn his dad properly but other team members convinced him that, all that his dad wanted was for him to win the seat so he should go ahead with his campaign.

Explaining what actually happened to Nana Boansi Osei Kuffour, his late father, the former President of the Musicians Union of Ghana stated that two days after his father passed away, his daughter drew his attention to a story carried by which claimed that he had fought with mortuary men at Ridge hospital for his father’s body.

He described the story as “acrimonious” because he was indoors crying about his father’s passing and then “somebody just comes out with a story whether it's to paint me black […] and funny enough, I had people close to me asking if everything is alright because they were believing it…”

Obour added that he actually heard his father’s demise on radio even though the man died in the hospital.

“I had left him barely an hour and I’d been in constant communication with the doctors [at the hospital] taking care of him. He passed and I heard it on the radio, then I said ‘Wow! Nobody called me,” he narrated.

Obour believes the whole communication about his father’s demise was as if someone had a predetermined agenda against him because when he rushed his late father to the hospital, he clearly gave the doctors his father’s travel history and the symptoms he was exhibiting. However, the report in the media at the time suggested that he didn’t declare he had returned from the UK.

Obuor noted that when his lawyer wrote to the hospital requesting for the forms that he Obour filled when he took his dad to the hospital, the hospital failed to make the forms available to him.

“After my father passed, they made it look like he had passed from COVID. Everybody that said my father died of COVID never mentioned Obour, they said a popular musician’s father had died from COVID so more or less hiding behind the veil because you can't take legal action against the person,” Obour indicated.