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General News of Monday, 20 April 2020


I am alive, stop spreading death reports - Apraku My Daughter

Emmanuel Kwaku Apraku play videoEmmanuel Kwaku Apraku

There were media reports yesterday about the death of popular Ghanaian evangelist Emmanuel Kwaku Apraku, affectionately known in the media as 'Apraku My Daughter'.

The report which was widely circulated has turned out to be false as the evangelist who is the Founder and leader of King Jesus Evangelistic Ministry International has come out to deny such reports.

In a video that was aired on Kofi TV, Mr Apraku who was shocked at the announcement of his death asked the general public to disregard the reports.

"Oh, that is how the world is. I am alive. This is me. It has been announced on the radio that I'm dead, but it is not true. I am speaking from Kasoa at the moment," a hale and hearty Mr Apraku reiterated.

Pastor Apraku became one of Ghana’s most sought after pastors about 10 years ago because of the numerous miracles he performed.

GhanaWeb wishes to apologise to Mr Apraku and his family for any inconvenience caused as a result of our earlier report. An action has been taken to avoid future happenings.

Watch the video below: