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Health News of Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Source: Teacher Baffour

Health Benefits of GOAT Milk

Goat milk is as close to a perfect food as possible in nature. Its chemical structure is amazingly similar to mother's milk. It is a complete protein containing all the essential amino acids without the heavy fat content and catarrh producing materials of cow's milk.

If you have been around farms, you would notice goats are much more flexible and limber than cows. They can climb and do things that are beautiful to watch. I have seen goats get on the roofs of barns and houses and wondered how it was possible. the reason for this is that goats are a bioorganic sodium animal, while cows are a calcium animal.

Bioorganic sodium in known in Naturopathic Medicine as the youth element. Arthritis does not come with old age. It is a lack of this essential mineral that brings on the symptoms of old age.
The highest sources of bioorganic sodium is found in goat milk and sweet goat whey.

It is the sodium that keeps the goats young, active, flexible, and limber all of their lives. There are no old goats in the human sense. They can climb, jump, leap, and walk all of their lives because bioorganic sodium is the joining mobilizing material that makes this possible.

Each organ of the body has a reserve of one chemical element more than others. It holds certain chemical elements so that it is a unique active organ. This principle, known as "The Chemical Story," is one of the essential principles of Naturopathic Medicine.

The stomach is known as a bioorganic sodium organ in naturopathic medicine. When the body becomes deficient in bioorganic sodium foods do not digest properly. The stomach's ability to produce enzymes and hydrochloric acid is slowed down and we experience belching, bloating, and ulcers become possible along with many other digestive problems. Coffee, tea, sugar, white flour products, chocolate, alcohol, and especially soda drinking produces a high stomach acid imbalance that sucks the bioorganic sodium right off the walls of the stomach and colon. This condition sometimes takes many years to manifest itself and is not noticed until it becomes a named disease. It is for this reason that we do not permit soda in the house.

When I look at my students who parents allows them to drink these very sweet soda drinks in Ghana I am tempted to pull them up on it, but I stay muted because these well-to-do families have it their minds that these children needs it as treat.

The endless array of mindless over-the-counter drugs like Pepto Bismal, and bicarbonate of soda(Andrew’s Liver Salts), as you may well know, is the wrong type of sodium.
Like all drugs, without exception, cause more long term problems than short term solutions.
Goat milk and goat whey are natural food medicines designed to both nourish and heal, prevent and treat the stomach, colon, intestines, and arthritic like conditions.

Goat milk is one of the best food medicines for rebuilding the brain, nervous system, and mental faculties. Goat milk is one of the finest foods for regenerating the cells of the body and bringing a person back to health.

After mother's milk, goat milk is the ideal food for weaning a child. It is the nearest to mother's milk in composition, nutrients, and natural chemical properties. It is easy to digest and is a magnificent bodybuilding food. Its fat globules are one ninth the size as cow's milk, making it easier to digest. If you don't homogenize cow's milk you must remove some of the cream. With goats milk this is not necessary as it is naturally homogenized.

Goat milk is the number one substitute for cow milk made by most Naturopathic Doctors for the following reasons:
1. Goat milk is a highly compatible nourishing natural food for people who are allergic to cow milk.
2. Cow milk is mucus forming to many people. Goat milk is not only non-mucus forming, but actually helps to neutralize mucus.
3. The fat content in goat milk is very low compared to cow milk. The fat globules are 1/9 the size of cow milk making it a very easy natural food to break down.
4. Certain ethnic groups are lactate intolerant, which means that their bodies can react adversely to cow milk and cow milk products. For these people goat milk can be the perfect substitute
5. The chemical structure of goat milk is very close to that of mother's milk.
6. The elements of goat milk are similar to those found in the stomach, colon, intestines, and joints. Thereby making goat milk the perfect food for these symptoms.
7. Goat milk digests easily making it the perfect food for children, the elderly, those with digestive difficulties, those recuperating from a disease or health conditions, and your pets that have been weaned from their mother.
8. Goat milk neutralizes acids and toxins.
9. Goat milk is high in healing enzymes and has a superior form of calcium than cow milk.
Why not a have a chat with your local wandering Fulani Herder and barter for a few pints of Goat Milk from a nursing Goat. Sweeten the milk with Honey and add a sprinkling of Cinnamon Spice to it.
Research indicates that there is more involved to the creaming ability of milk than merely physical size of the fat globules.

It appears that their clustering is favoured by the presence of an agglutinin in milk which is lacking in goat milk, therefore creating a poor creaming ability, especially at lower temperatures. The natural homogenization of goat milk is, from a human health standpoint, much better than the mechanically homogenized cow milk product. It appears that when fat globules are forcibly broken up by mechanical means, it allows an enzyme associated with milk fat, known as xanthine oxidase to become free and penetrate the intestinal wall.

Once xanthine oxidase gets through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream, it is capable of creating scar damage to the heart and arteries, which in turn may stimulate the body to release cholesterol into the blood in an attempt to lay a protective fatty material on the scarred areas. This can lead to arteriosclerosis.

It should be noted that this effect is not a problem with natural (unhomogenized) cow milk. In unhomogenized milk this enzyme is normally excreted from the body without much absorption. (I.E. milk that comes as God naturally made it is best for you and not the man handled and distorted version of milk.. .this is my opinion).

Another significant difference from cow milk is the higher amount of shorter-chain fatty acids in the milk fat of goats. Furthermore, glycerol ethers are much higher in goat then in cow milk which appears to be important for the nutrition of the nursing newborn.

Goat milk also has lower contents of orotic acid which can be significant in the prevention of fatty liver syndrome. However, the membranes around fat globules in goat milk are more fragile which may be related to their greater susceptibility to develop off flavours than cow milk

goat cow human
fat % 3.8 3.6 4.0
solids-not-fat % 8.9 9.0 8.9
lactose % 4.1 4.7 6.9
nitrogen x 6.38% 3.4 3.2 1.2
protein % 3.0 3.0 1.1
casein % 2.4 2.6 0.4
calcium % CaO 0.19 0.18 0.04
phosphorus P2O5 % .27 .23 .06
chloride % .15 .10 .06
iron (P/100,000) .07 .08 .2
vitamin A (i.u./g fat) 39.0 21.0 32.0
vitamin B (ug/100 m) 68.0 45.0 17.0
riboflavin (ug/100ml) 210.0 159.0 26.0
vitamin C (mg asc. a/100ml) 2.0 2.0 3.0
vitamin D (i.u./g fat) .07 0.7 0.3
Calories /100ml 70.0 69.0 68.0
Goat's milk is a very good source of calcium and the amino acid tryptophan. It is also a good source of protein, phosphorous, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and potassium. Perhaps the greatest benefit of goat's milk, however, is that some people who cannot tolerate cow's milk are able to drink goat's milk without any problems.
Goat's milk is a very good source of calcium. Calcium is widely recognized for its role in maintaining the strength and density of bones. In a process known as bone mineralization, calcium and phosphorous join to form calcium phosphate. Calcium phosphate is a major component of the mineral complex (called hydroxyapatite) that gives structure and strength to bones. A cup of goat's milk supplies 32.6% of the daily value for calcium along with 27.0% of the DV for phosphorus. In comparison, a cup of cow's milk provides 29.7% of the DV for calcium and 23.2% of the DV for phosphorus.
Building bone is, however, far from all that calcium does for us. In recent studies, this important mineral has been shown to:
• Help protect colon cells from cancer-causing chemicals
• Help prevent the bone loss that can occur as a result of menopause or certain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis
• Help prevent migraine headaches in those who suffer from them
• Reduce PMS symptoms during the luteal phase (the second half) of the menstrual cycle
Calcium also plays a role in many other vital physiological activities, including blood clotting, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, regulation of enzyme activity, cell membrane function and blood pressure regulation. Because these activities are essential to life, the body utilizes complex regulatory systems to tightly control the amount of calcium in the blood, so that sufficient calcium is always available.

As a result, when dietary intake of calcium is too low to maintain adequate blood levels of calcium, calcium stores are drawn out of the bones to maintain normal blood concentrations.
It is not clear from scientific research studies exactly why some people can better tolerate goat's milk. Some initial studies suggested that specific proteins known to cause allergic reactions may have been present in cow's milk in significant quantities yet largely absent in goat's milk. The alpha-casein proteins, including alpha s1-casein, and the beta-casein proteins were both considered in this regard. However, more recent studies suggest that the genetic wiring for these casein proteins is highly variable in both cows and goats and that more study is needed to determine the exact role these proteins might play in the tolerability of goat's milk versus cow's milk. Other research has found some anti-inflammatory compounds (short-chain sugar molecules called oligosaccharides) to be present in goat's milk.

Teacher Baffour

References : Personal &
• Cheng S, Lyytikainen A, Kroger H, Lamberg-Allardt C, Alen M, Koistinen A, Wang QJ, Suuriniemi M, Suominen H, Mahonen A, Nicholson PH, Ivaska KK, Korpela R, Ohlsson C, Vaananen KH, Tylavsky F. Effects of calcium, dairy product, and vitamin D supplementation on bone mass accrual and body composition in 10-12-y-old girls: a 2-y randomized trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Nov;82(5):1115-26. PMID:16280447.
• Elwood PC, Pickering JE, Fehily AM. Milk and dairy consumption, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome: the Caerphilly prospective study. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2007 Aug;61(8):695-8. PMID:17630368.
• Ensminger AH, Esminger M. K. J. e. al. Food for Health: A Nutrition Encyclopedia. Clovis, California: Pegus Press; 1986. PMID:15210.