General News of Monday, 5 September 2016


Government Pharmacists begin indefinite strike today

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The members of the Government Hospital Pharmacists Association have laid down their tools in protest of their employer’s inability to meet their demands.

GHOSPA has been battling the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission over unfair placement on the single spine salary structure, payment of market premium and poor working conditions for a while now.

In a directive sited by Starr News, members have been charged to withdraw their services from today.

Immediate past Chairman of GHOSPA Stephen Corquaye told Starr News emergency cases will be attended to for now.

”We have had two meetings already, one with Fair Wages and Salary Commission and Labour commission and that has not addressed fully the issue.

This issue has travelled seven years and still counting. All Pharmaceutical services across the country will be withdrawn but we will put in human face and address some emergency issues for some couple of days looking at the response from government and if nothing happens that will also be withdrawn.”