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Regional News of Friday, 12 May 2017

Source: The Ghanaian Observer

Gomoa-Fetteh Chief's name deleted from National House of Chiefs’ register

The woes of the self-styled Gomoa-Fetteh Chief in the Central Region has further been deepened by the Cape Coast Court of Appeal as it has directed that the name of the said chief, Nana Abor Yamaoh II be expunged from the register of National House of Chiefs.

The Court in a ruling presided over by Clemence J. Honyenuga with Alhaji Saeed K. Gyan and G. Suurbaareh as members in a civil appeal suit number 111/ 28 /16 dated 27/ 02/2017 has directed the National House of Chiefs to delete the name of the self-styled chief of Gomoa -Fetteh, known in private life as Edward Kwame Acquaye from the National Register of chiefs.

According to the suit the Republic versus the Registrar and President of National House of Chiefs, the Registrar and President of the Central Regional House of Chief as appellants Ex-parte Ebusuapayin Kojo Yamoah and Nana Abor Yamoah II as applicants, got his name entered in the National Register of Chiefs through strange circumstances and for that matter Nananom had a legal duty to correct the error and which duty was conferred on them by law.

The court said the applicant succeeded in getting his name entered into National Register of Chiefs fraudulently.

Meanwhile, letter dated July 26, 2016 and intercepted by this paper emanating from the Royal Abor Twidan Family of Gomoa Fetteh addressed to the President of Gomoa Akyempim Traditional Council and copied the Central Regional House of Chiefs, Office of the President, the Minister for Interior and Inspector-General of Police stated that the Nana Abor Yamoah II otherwise known as Edward Kwame Acquaye was mistakenly installed a chief by the principal elder the late Nana John Kojo Amanquandoh of Gomoa Fetteh Abor Twidan Royal family.

The document explained that the action of the late principal elder was corrected by performing the necessary rituals at the palace on August 24, 2008 by the principal kingmakers and Nana Abor Yamoah II was destooled.
The document further explained that the self –styled Chief is a not a royal from Gomoa Fetteh but hail from Otuam all in the region.

According to the document, he is from Opayin Graham Twidan Family of Otuam and not a royal from the Ebusuapayin Kojo Abor Family of Twidan of Gomoa Fetteh as the public has been made to believe over the years.

‘Nana Abor Yamoah II the document alleges has no family tree in the Twidan Royal Family of Gomoa-Fetteh, the king –makers of the area’
The document states his family lineage as follows: Obaapayin Acquabaa was the great grandmother of the beleaguered chief Edward Aquaye and she gave birth to Begyina, Efaba, Obembri.

Therefore Efaba was the direct grandmother of the self-styled chief who has been tormenting the people of the area with land guards.

She gave birth to the mother of the self-styled chief called Araba Akoa therefore the direct family of the said chief are Opayin Graham, Kwame Acquaye and Kweku Mintah of Otuam.

Since August 24, 19977 Edward Acquaye has unlawfully chief Gomoa -Fetteh and allegedly commit family properties for sale without lawful representation.

Meanwhile, sources at the Central Regional House of Chiefs have told this paper that the name of the said chief has been deleted from the national register of chiefs and anybody who deals with him as chief of the area does so at their peril in the area.

The source further reminded the general public to mindful of the activities of the said chief as his title as chief Gomoa–Fetteh has been stripped.

Meanwhile, reports say there were wild jubilations among the elders of the town since the court and the Central Regional House of Chiefs announced their decision.