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Regional News of Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Source: GNA

Ghanaians should own local government projects

The call was made by the Greater Accra Regional Director of NCCE, Mrs Lucile Harriet Annan The call was made by the Greater Accra Regional Director of NCCE, Mrs Lucile Harriet Annan

Mrs Lucile Harriet Annan, Greater Accra Regional Director, National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), has urged Ghanaians to own government projects in their localities.

Mrs Annan made this remark during a social auditing programme held by the Kpone-Katamanso office of the NCCE at Kpone-Bawaleshie in the Greater Accra Region.

The Social auditing programme formed part of activities captured in the Anti-Rule of Law Accountability and Corruption programme (ARAP) being implemented by the NCCE in collaboration with the European Union (EU) to fight corruption.

She said it was about time residents owned and took charge of all developmental projects within their communities, adding that it would help the residents to appreciate government efforts in their respective area.

According to her, residents could also demand accountability from authorities.

Mr Seth Sotie, Kpone-Katamanso Municipal Director, NCCE, said his outfit as part of its mandate would continuously engage residents and solicit their concerns which would be channeled to the appropriate quarters.

"Let us all get involved to build a strong and successful country for all citizens and future generations," he added.

Present at the occasion was the Assembly member for the area, Mr. George Ahingua, local traditional authorities, youth groups and opinion leaders.