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Regional News of Thursday, 16 March 2017


GIMPA touches lives at Village of Hope

Led by Dr Kwasi Boadi, lecturer at GIMPA Business School, students of the Ghana Institute of Management and Professional Administration (GIMPA) recently visited the Village of Hope Orphanage located in Gomoa Fetteh.

This is a normal practice for him. A product of a tough upbringing himself, Dr Boadi sends his students there to expose them to the needs of the underprivileged in the society, in order to better understand their roles in bettering lives.

Quoting former US first lady Michelle Obama, he believes that successes are not defined by personal achievements only, but by the general contributions to the world through the influence of set skills. On the choice of that particular orphanage, Dr Boadi pointed to the orderly and transparent way home is run.

Visiting donors are allowed easy access to children in the home, he noted. He cited instances where he and his class have made donations to other homes and not been allowed audience with the children of the home for reasons he finds suspicious.

Village of Hope, one of the about only 20 registered orphanages in the country has for the past 18 years given hope to over 1000 otherwise destitute children from all corners of the country reaching as far as Yendi.

At present, the home has 10 residential homes where the nutritional, physical, spiritual, emotional and educational needs of 168 children are being catered for.

All 10 homes have parents assigned to them who are responsible for the general wellbeing of the children under their care. The home runs a hospital which serves 14 communities, 2 basic schools with over 1000 enrolled students, a Senior High School, a vocational institution that provides people with employable skills and a 50 acre farm that supplements the food needs of the home.

The home has produced a lawyer, surgeon and other citizens of benefit to society. It also has about 40 students in tertiary institutions across the country. Such accomplishments by products of the home are enough incentive to motivate the workers and volunteers of the home as the fulfilment in the work they say, is their greatest pay.

Dr Boadi’s class donated assorted items and a cash sum of GHS 2,210.00 to the home.

Receiving the items on the home’s behalf, Matilda, a mother to the home for 18 years expressed her profound gratitude to Dr Boadi and his students for their continuous support to the home; pledging that their donation will be put to its intended use.

Commenting on the trip, class representative of the visiting GIMPA class was quick to comment on the extremely pleasant and excellent conditions the children of the home live in.

Last semester alone, the students visited the home three times, noting that the call to greater community service their greatest motivation.