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Politics of Thursday, 5 December 2019


First Lady advises NPP women to resist apathy ahead of 2020 polls

The First Lady, Rebecca Akufo-Addo, has called on supporters and women's wing of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to resist apathy and rally support for President Akufo-Addo in the 2020 general election.

She said supporters were better off with their party in power than in opposition and tasked the women to work hard to ensure NPP emerged victorious in the election.

Mrs Akufo-Addo made the call when she addressed the first-ever National Women's Conference of the NPP in the Western Regional capital, Takoradi.

The two-day session was on the theme: "Women on the Move for Victory 2020 and Beyond," and geared towards mobilising, equipping and unifying them for victory.

Regional executives, constituency women organisers, women groups, female ministers of state, district chief executives, female Members of Parliament, political appointees, and volunteer groups attended the conference to chart a path towards the Party’s development and victory.

The confab, which climaxed a year-long women conferences held in all the 16 administrative regions, served as an avenue to exchange ideas on campaign strategies for next year’s elections.

Mrs Akufo-Addo underscored the important role women played in the Party’s development and the nation as a whole and urged them to work hard for victory.

On the conference theme, she said it sounded, “a call of battle and call of divine intervention," and that the women should rise up to the task no matter their differences and unite to move the Party forward.

She said significant changes had taken place since NPP took over power and moved the country to a higher height, adding: “Within the last three years the party has recorded ‘sweet melodies’ of free SHS, Planting for Food and Jobs, One-District One-Factory, payment of teacher trainee allowances, better roads and strong economy.”

Mrs Akufo-Addo described the Women's Wing as the foundation of the NPP, stressing; “without them, the party cannot stand”.

The Chief of Staff, Madam Akosua Frema Osei-Opare, encouraged the women to sustain the conference and make it an annual programme.

She urged them to work hard to retain the Party in power to sustain the pro-poor policies of the Government, which was of benefit to most women.

She called for door-to-door and public education on good policies and programmes being implemented by government.

“President Akufo-Addo has the nation at heart and cared for the welfare and needs of the citizenry,’’ she added.

The National Women's Organizer, Kate Gyamfuah said the governmnet had initiated policies that had made a great impact on the people, especially women and children, hence the need to retain it in power to sustain the gains made.

Mr Freddy Blay, the NPP National Chairman, commended the women for their resilience and commitment to the Party’s course.

He pledged the continuous support of the national executive for the Women's Wing to grow stronger.

The National Secretary of the NPP, Mr John Boadu, described the Women's Wing as a vibrant and resilient pillar, which had held the Party together.